Page 73 of Buried Under Ice
Always have been.Didn’t she get it?She owned him, body and soul.He’d do whatever it took to get her back.She came first.She—
His phone was ringing.
Ignore the damn thing.The first instinct he had.But Nate Quest was loose in the city and maybe that call was Jase or Theo saying the bastard had been spotted.Or, better yet, maybe one of the agents was calling to say he’d caught Nate.
His phone rang again.“Hold the thought,” he rumbled.Then he withdrew.
A little gasp slipped from her when he slid out.
I’m still aroused for her.Want her again and again.
The phone wouldn’t stop its damn ringing.He jumped from the bed and fished the phone from the pocket of his suit coat.When he saw the caller ID…hell.Not Jase or Theo.But it still could be related to Nate.His finger slid over the screen right before he put the phone to his ear.“Executive Assistant Director Ballard.To what do I owe this seriously untimely—”
“Is Lark Lawson with you?”
He stared straight at her.“Absolutely.I’m assuming you’ve been briefed on the situation with Nate Quest?”Jase would have updated him ASAP.“I am guarding Lark, and she will not be let out of my sight.”
“This isn’t about freaking Nate Quest.It’s about Lane Lawson.”
Do not change expression.He kept gazing at Lark.“What about him?”
“He was stabbed in the yard and taken to the infirmary—”
Her brother has to be okay.If Colby Ballard is calling to tell me that Lane died in some inmate fight and I have to give Lark that news…No, no, he could not.
“Docs thought he was unconscious.Let down their guard and the sonofabitch broke out.”
“I’ll need you to say that again.”
“The sonofabitch broke out.He’s loose.Forget the hunt for Nate Quest.I’m directing all of our resources to focus on finding the freaking escaped serial killer who is out roaming in Vegas.”
Oh, this was not good.
“The same day you visit him, and Lane Lawson breaks out.The very same day.” Colby’s rage poured across the line.“You know how this looks?”
Bad.Very bad.“I had nothing to do with the escape.”
The escape.
Lark had pulled the covers over her body, but at that word, she jerked.Hard.Then she flew out of the bed and surged toward him.
“You’d better not have,” Colby snarled.“Because if I found out you helped the prick, your ass will be the one behind bars.You hear me?”
“The connection is perfect.I hear you quite clearly.”He was also pretty sure that Lark had heard those booming words.
“Get to my office.Bring Lark with you.If she knows anything about this mess, Iwillbe finding out.If she doesn’t know, hell, we both understand that her brother will be coming for her.No way he leaves town without his sister.So that meansLarkdoesn’t leave.If she tries to get away from you, if she refuses to come in—hell, refusal is not an option.You arrest her ass if you have to do it butbring her to me.”
His jaw had clenched.With an effort, Oliver loosened it, a bit.Then he snapped, “She’s not getting arrested.”
“She is if she had something to do with her brother’s escape!I can’t believe this shit!Get her here.” Colby hung up.
He gripped the phone.Thought about smashing it into a million pieces.But, no, that wasn’t what a good, upstanding FBI agent would do.
I took a break from the Bureau.I’m ready to stop pretending to be someone I’m not.
“I didn’t catch all of that.”She’d wrapped a sheet around her body.One hand clasped it to her chest.“Sounded like Executive Assistant Director Ballard was angry.”
“Angry is an understatement.”Dammit.If Oliver didn’t take Lark to the Bureau office, then Colby would just send someone after her.And that someone?The agent who came for her would arrest Lark if she didn’t cooperate.Make up some BS charge about obstruction.