Page 77 of Buried Under Ice
She had to pull in another breath.Had to do it.I’m frozen.So cold.
“Oliver suspected you were lying, too, of course.”
She didn’t look at Oliver.Couldn’t.But she felt his stare on her.
“So right after that meeting he had with you and Memphis at Side Strip, Oliver asked his team at the Bureau to do a little digging.Your assistant, Katya, I believe is her name?”
“There was no need to dig.”Her nails bit deeper into her palms.Yes, Katya had been her assistant at the florist shop.
“She’s visiting family in Russia right now, isn’t she?”Colby pressed as he studied her.She had the feeling he was a snake poised to strike.
Lark wet her dry lips.“Her family left Russia about five years ago.They live in England now.That’swhere she’s visiting.”
“Thanks so much for that clarification,” he murmured.“But I actually knew that, as well.”
If he knew so much, why the games?
“My agents do understand how to do their jobs.Jase tracked her down in a very fast amount of time.That happens when you’re a federal agent with incredible resources.He interviewed her over the phone earlier today.He was able to question her and see if the story you fed the Ice Breakers and Oliver was true.”
She could feel the blood draining from her face.
“It was a lie, of course.She said there was no video footage recovered.Didn’t remember anything about a mysterious package arriving at your florist shop.”
Lark wouldnotlook at Oliver right then.Had he known this?Had he realized—
“Oliver is on abreakfrom the Bureau.So that means that Jase has been reporting to me before telling Oliver anything of import.When he found out that you’d lied to Oliver and to Memphis, he informed me of the discovery.”Colby crooked an eyebrow at her.“Want to tell me that I’m wrong?That Jase is wrong?That you didn’tlie to a federal agent about evidence?”
No words came out.She just didn’t know what to say.
Then she felt a touch on her shoulder.
Lark jerked even as her head whipped to the side.And up.
Oliver stared down at her.She hadn’t even heard his footsteps close the last bit of distance between them.But he was beside her.No judgment appeared in his eyes.
There was plenty of judgment in Colby’s voice as he informed her, “The Ice Breakers will stop helping you when they learn the truth.As for Special Agent Oliver Foxx…do you really want to see his career crash and burn because of you?”
No, that was the last thing she wanted.Lark mouthedI’m sorryto Oliver.
He gave a barely perceptible shake of his head.
“Cooperate with me, and we can make a deal,” Colby offered, voice all magnanimous.“Tell me where your brother is.”
“I don’tknowwhere he is.”She searched Oliver’s eyes.He had his mask on again.No emotion at all showed in his expression.Was he furious with her?If so, why had he just crossed to stand by her?Almost as if…as if he’d shown where his loyalty rested.
With me.
Even though she’d lied to him?
“We’ve got a team going to his lawyer’s home.”Colby’s words had her focusing on him once again.“She’s been pretty close with him, too.Lots of visits.He’ll be frantic and looking for a safe place to crash…tell us his safe places, Lark.You know him better than anyone else.Tell me where he’d go.”
To me.Lane would come to me.
“We’re watching your apartment, of course,” Colby added as his fingers tapped across the table’s edge.“If he shows up there, we’ll have him.But where else would he turn?”
Her lips parted.
“This bullshit is getting old,” Oliver said curtly.“Everyone in this room knows that Lane isn’t going to cut town.He isn’t going to vanish.He broke out because he was worried about Lark.”