Page 106 of Enchanted Queen
It seemed to be finding something within her as I could feel it tug and sharpen on my tendrils of magic.
I gasped and sent more, surging to find it. And then I grabbed ahold of those tendrils and yanked, sending even more of my power into her and willing it to leave her body, into the lake.
Nothing happened. It felt so heavy on my magic I wasn’t sure I wasn’t trying to drag all of her under the water.
“Keir,” a voice warned. Emric. “Knock it off.”
I wouldn’t. Not when I felt this close. We had done this numerous times, but now I had changed the way I was thinking about it. The way I was willing my magic into her.
Keir,Esta gasped.
Amory’s voice said something else, but I was too focused, sending more and more magic until I could finally move whatever it was within Esta which was causing all of this.
I again grabbed hold of my magic and yanked, willing everything that was in her that was affecting her magic to leave her body and go into the lake. I let out a scream of frustration as the weight of it sent me to my knees.
And as a dark material oozed into the purple water, I felt myself falling. I was exhausted but managed to turn and catch her in my arms.
Not a dragon queen.
A human one.
“Emric,” I yelled. I could still see a mass of black swarming within the purple lake. Now that it was in the lake and not Esta, we needed to get rid of it. Before it could move back inside her. Or before it could turn the entire lake back to black.
As he came over, eyes wide as he took in Esta, he soon saw what I was panicked about.
I sent my magic and his, Dex soon joining in, and we obliterated what remained of the poison into nothing.
“What the hell was that?” Dex asked.
I ignored him and Emric as they launched into a discussion on it. My eyes turned back to a very green pair.
“Hi.” Her voice was the same voice I could hear so clearly in my head, but it sounded strained. As if she’d had a cough for the past nine years. And since she could literally breathe fire, in a way I supposed she had.
Tears stung my eyes. I was exhausted. The weight of what had been in her was so heavy, I had felt burnout coming on even though I hadn’t used my magic for the usual length of time.
I looked her over. She was wearing a loose black day gown that looked torn. She looked rather thin, though I had no idea what she looked like before. I noted her hair loose around her shoulders was as dark as her dragon form had been, and as she smiled at me, I saw she had one lone dimple.
But I had known she was beautiful long before this moment.
“Hi,” I offered back, unable to stop the tear that spilled from my eye.
She reached up to brush my tear away with her hand, not her talon, before throwing her arms around my neck. “If you needed a hug,” she whispered. “All you had to do was say so.”
Amory was there, throwing her arms around us both. “My queen,” she stated before bursting into tears.
I got to my feet to let them have a moment, just the two of them.
“Nyx,” I called. He bounded over and lowered his head to me. Was that a bow? “Malachi. Whit.”
They were before me before I said anything more. “This is—” I gave my head a shake. This waseverything. “Please do not alert anyone this happened yet. Can you give her a moment?”
Of course, Your Grace.
Whit gave me a nod of agreement.
Malachi offered,She will likely pass out soon. It used to exhaust us when we stayed in our shifted forms for too long, and considering how long she’s been in only one form, it’s safe to say it’s coming.