Page 141 of Enchanted Queen
Aggressive,he said as he nudged me,but lucky for you I have a nice ass.
I pretended to look at his hindside “In which form?”
Both,he responded without delay.Now get on, lover boy. Delaying it any longer will only make it worse.
With another look at Esta, my eyes unable to not gravitate to her, I headed for the ship.
With every splash of the boat taking me toward home, I wondered if home was really home at all anymore.
A beautiful dragon flew above the ship, sending us off, circling around before heading back to shore.
* * *
Krew and Iwere in his office, the parchment I had written up surrounding us. We’d been at this for hours. The harvest festival was the following day, so we needed to finish this today.
“Keir,” he said on a sigh. “This may be your best work yet.”
“I know.”
“A peace treaty. So simple. And you really think this will work?” he asked.
“They just tried to marry me off to a few Dra Skor women. They want confirmation that we will not just leave before I finish healing their shifters. This gives them what they want, and confirmation for us that they will not wage war on Wylan in exchange for our continued help in addition to helping them develop their technologies. How can they say no?”
My magic flared. I was sure it was lingering anger about that meeting in which Esta’s father tried to marry me to Amory. It was going to take quite a while for me to get over that.
The finer details of the peace treaty, how many Wylan men would go to Dra Skor and how long it would take, had taken Krew and me the longest to iron out. Krew was going to send a group of twelve men for me to train, trying to speed things up for Dra Skor once the lottery order was decided upon.
With any luck, with this new plan, by spring Dra Skor would be fully healed. No betrothals required.
Though I wouldn’t be opposed to one. For the right reasons.
Krew cocked his head. “Do you love her?”
My eyes immediately found the pair which mirrored my own. I had wanted to speak to him about what it would mean if Esta and I did decide to wed, but I had been hyper-focused on the peace treaty first, so I hadn’t even had the chance to yet. I thought after the Harvest Festival we could discuss it.
“You look to the skies often.” His voice was free of all traces of judgement.
I let out a sigh, knowing he was right. “I do.”
“The queen or another someone?”
I gave my head a shake. “The queen. Of course it had to be the queen when I was good and done with crowns entirely.”
He gave a little smirk.
“You are not surprised by this?
“Jorah said there were multiple kinds of tension in Dra Skor.”
My eyes went to the ceiling. “Of course she did.”
He dipped his head toward his shoulder. “She is observant about these sorts of things in a way that I am not.”
I laughed. “True that.”