Page 67 of Enchanted Queen
Still, I turned to Amory. “It is the same colors as the iridescent hue to Esta’s scales.”
She gave me a nod and a smile. “Yes. All the dragons have that slight shimmer to their scales. Personally, I am partial to Esta’s. It’s more pronounced and suits her.”
“It is more purple,” I agreed. “Serkan’s has more greens.”
If we are all done admiring my level of gorgeousness,Esta interrupted.
“Right.” We had another lake to turn.
“Would you be willing to stand in the lake with us, Your Highness?” Jorah asked kindly.
Esta responded to Jorah and not the rest of us.
“Would you like to feel the buzz of the magic like Whit did?” Jorah again asked.
I snorted a laugh, knowing that this was not going to faze Esta in the least bit.
Jorah’s eyes went to mine before going back to Esta’s, and Esta must have communicated that she had felt it before. Soon she was stepping into the water with us.
A loud stomping noise rattled some leaves of a nearby tree. Scales were seen sliding between two trees just before Serkan came out of hiding.
I will stand guard and protect my queen and The Drak,he told us. Like we all hadn’t already noticed his massive presence.I may be almost as old as my teeth, but I assure you I can protect her if anything goes by the wayside.
I didn’t think he hated us, but I didn’t think he fully trusted us either. Still, something about this elder dragon, maybe the story of how he was cut off from his wife, made me want to befriend the beast. “Nice to see you again, Serkan.”
Princey,he greeted.
I grinned at my nickname, which was apparently sticking. “We are about to combine our magic and make the lake glow.”
Serkan didn’t respond but seemed to give me a nod to go ahead.
Owen gave me a look that said he was entirely excited about there being multiple dragons in our midst. Just when I thought he was going to open his mouth and mention something about another race, Jorah’s magic took to the lake.
Owen joined in at the same time I did.
I rolled my neck as there was a tension in my shoulders and arms from having used so much power today. But today was already a success. We had one lake turned back, we undeniably proved we were capable of helping Dra Skor.
Still, something in me wanted The Drak’s lake turned today. Dragons in Dra Skor were revered. Helping them to fix their lake in their sanctuary would be the biggest show of good faith we could provide.
Yet minutes later, the lake was crawling with silver, green, and blue, but there was no change.
“We might be too weak for this,” Owen offered. “We went hard at The Pit.”
“And it paid off,” I added, sending even thicker magic from my fingertips into the water.
Jorah wiped at her forehead but also didn’t stop.
“Jorah,” Owen snapped only a few minutes later. “Dial it back.”
“But we know we can do it,” Jorah argued.
Amory stepped into the water, joining our conversation, Serkan at her back. “Please do not push yourselves to the brink of exhaustion. You have travels home to prepare for. Knowing how today went, it seems likely you can come back.”
Owen dropped his magic, and I noticed how out of breath he was, how out of breath we all were.
Jorah and Owen exchanged a look, and Owen must have scolded her more telepathically through their bond, as she dropped her magic shortly after.
I didn’t stop though. I didn’t have travel to prepare for. I could keep sending my magic until burnout hit, and then I could sleep it off for the rest of the day.