Page 85 of Enchanted Queen
“Hate to disappoint,” I laughed. And then I took off running for the water. I knew it was going to be cold, but I didn’t care. If I got too cold, I’d just use my magic to warm my skin. Krew and I were learning that recouping our magic had less to do with not using it, and more to do with resting and eating, doing the things we loved. And wave riding definitely fell under that category for me.
I laid flat on the board and swam out quite a ways, far enough that Malachi and Dex were just dots on the shore, and Kian was, well, a bigger dot. Still somewhat recognizable due to his size.
And then I sat up, a leg on either side of the board, waiting for the wave I could see in the distance to roll in. I had a half a beat of nervousness, not wanting to embarrass myself in front of my new friends, but then it was time to move, and I was angling the board in the direction of the wave and paddling before quickly bringing my feet under me and moving to stand.
The water was cold where my hand cut through the wave as I rode under it as far as I could. And then when I was about to crash toward the end of it, I used my magic to put me into a bubble and surged ahead on top of the water, continuing to ride the board all the way to the shore. I hadn’t fallen. I took a light step off the board, back onto the sand.
Show off,Malachi said with an approving bob to his head.
“Not that I have given up hope at all, but we could fashion you a bigger version of this if you wanted to give it a go,” I told him.
Malachi shook his head.I don’t think it’d be as fun on four legs. Most things are not.
I was going to leave that well enough alone.
“You are going to have to teach me how to do this sometime,” Dex commented.
I offered him the board, but he shook his head. “This is for you today. I’m working. Some other time.”
Again,Kian demanded.This time, I will help.
I smirked. “You’ll help?”
Trust me, Prince Keir. It will be even more fun.
“All right.” I grinned, knowing I wanted to go back out at least two or three more times anyway.
I ran back out, and Kian stomped over to the water.
“It will take me a while to swim out,” I offered.
Nonsense,he responded.I will take you.
That was... kind of him?
Sure enough, as soon as the water got deep enough, Kian swam me out to the depth I had been before.
“How exactly will you be helping me?” I asked with a smile as we waited for two waves to break.
You’ll see. Trust, Prince.
As soon as it came time to move, I angled the board and began paddling with my hands as fast as I could, and then in a quick motion I was again up on the board.
Meanwhile, I could see Kian beside me, swimming within the wave. Except he was not going straight, he was swimming serpentine, which had the effect of making me whip back and forth. I let out a laugh and surged forward, whipping this way and that. Once, Kian was so close I couldn’t refrain from playfully tapping him through the wave.
I broke through the wave just as I had the other time, and Kian did the largest belly flop I had ever seen, making me almost lose my balance, but I used my magic to right me.
We didn’t even make it to the shore before he demanded,Again.
I want a turn,Savanna stated, and I saw her pop her head up in the deep area where we’d started.
So on it went, for thirty minutes more, Savanna and Kian taking turns wave riding with me. Malachi and Dex must have been bored out of their minds at the shore, but I was having a blast.
Race you to the shore this time,Kian challenged as we both headed for another huge swell.
I grinned my agreement, and we were off. This wave was a dream; I could have stayed tucked underneath it, feeling the coolness of the water all day. It was as if time itself was suspended. There were no poisons, no wars, not a care in the realm. But Kian serpentined in the water, even sticking his head through the wave in an attempt to knock me off. It hadn’t been his first attempt to do so, so I was ready, using my magic to jump the board over his head. As we came out of the end of the wave and toward shore, he again did his signature bellyflop, but I was again prepared to balance out the wave caused by his huge self.
Except I was not prepared for him to launch both myself and the board into the air from underneath with his gigantic head.