Page 96 of Enchanted Queen
“When dragons are...consumedby their emotions,” she paused to swallow, “they lay in their hoards. Don’t pick up any of her treasures or move too close to them and you will likely be fine.”
I gave her a nod.
Malachi walked with us, and I noted how close he walked to Amory. Eventually, she put an arm around him, again just needing to be near someone.
My breath caught as we rounded a corner to the deepest part of her cave. There was an underground water source, I assumed an extension of the lake because the water was purely purple, and purple flowers lined the border of it. Though the area was massive, so massive it no longer felt like a cave, there was no place to step because of the mounds and mounds of the queen’s treasures. So much gold and silver glinted in the low light that I felt if the sun could reach in here, it would blind me.
I saw a diamond the size of my fist buried in one of the piles.
“Where—” my voice stopped as I saw one green eyeball open and the tail of the queen curling around the treasure. Otherwise, she was entirely buried within the mountain of her treasure. “Hi.”
I took a step forward, but Amory reached for my shoulder to stop me. “Keir,” she warned.
I will not hurt him,she sent us all.Particularly not after he just saved us.
I looked to Malachi on the other side of Amory. “And Malachi saved me. It took the whole team.”
I patted Amory’s hand on my arm then moved forward a few steps. “I am sorry, Your Highness. I know you don’t likely want to hear that. I know it does not bring him back.” I paused. I was so damn tired. So tired and so damn angry. “I have mere minutes before I pass out, but I still want you to know it. I was awfully fond of that quirky old dragon.” My voice cracked. “He deserved far better. My sincerest apologies if my presence played a role in this, however great or small.”
A lone tear slid out of Esta’s eye.Thank you. And thank you for catching us today. The healer who patched me up said the spear, though not as deep as Serkan’s wound, still would have caused mortal danger, and you may have been planning two funerals.
I had to sit down, exhausted from carrying the weight of my own body. Her statement definitely didn’t help matters. “I don’t even know Nyx that well, but he just became one of my favorite dragons.”
She didn’t move out of her pile of treasures but offered,You need to rest. As do I. Tomorrow, we will face it all. There is a bed in my room. Go sleep, Prince of Wylan. Not even a power nap. Just sleep. I demand it.
“What about you?”
This is where I feel safest. Surrounded by lovely things so I can see and feel something other than the ugly.
“I feel a little silly for the trinkets I brought you,” I offered lightly as I tried to stand, Malachi coming to help me back up.
Nonsense,she argued.I love every single one of these treasures and I love yours as well.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to stay in here with you?” I asked.
She blinked.Only a fool would sleep in a dragon’s lair.
“I’ll happily be that fool if that is what you need.”
She was quiet for so long I wondered if she would answer. So long I was regretting standing. But then she finally stated,Company would be nice. If only to avoid the grief for a little longer.
Amory stated, “We will go get some blankets.”
I’m afraid I don’t have a bedtime story in me,Esta said quietly while they were gone.
I moved to the outer wall to sit down, my back propped up against it. “Not to worry. I’m working on one now. Not sure it’s suited for bedtime though. As there will definitely be blood.”
Danger unto death?
I felt my eyes droop closed again but managed to get out, “More like vengeance unto death.”
The silence was deafening the following morning. It was odd that silence could be louder than a multitude of sounds. Particularly a silence dipped in sorrow. It stretched and bent around all of us until no one could ignore or avoid it. Even the slightest joyful thought or sound was immediately snuffed out.
A reminder.
No one was ever truly safe and at any moment it could all change, for any of us.