Page 99 of Enchanted Queen
I spun to Emric, my magic flaring with my anger. “You have to get me out of here.”
Emric took my shoulders in his hands. “What’s going on?”
I gave my head a shake. “Just not in a good headspace. Grab John, let’s get out of here. Let’s leave them to celebrate their brother.”
“Will do.” He gestured for John who had been speaking with Zaccai.
Unfortunately, on the way to say goodbye to Amory for the night, I had to pass by Zaire and his crew of merry pricks.
Emric was far from a fool and fell into step on my left side, separating me from Zaire further. John was on my right.
We had just passed their cluster of people when I heard it.
“Why are they even here?”
“Don’t,” John hissed. “Not the time or place.”
I had been aching for this fight all night though. I slowly turned around, “Could say the same of you.”
He took a large step toward me. “And what the hell isthatsupposed to mean?”
I took a step forward to meet him. I saw some people stilling to watch us and felt Emric at my back. “Were Serkan’s final momentsusefulenough for you, Zaire?”
His dark eyes seemed to light with rage. “You were eavesdropping on my conversations?”
“Iwasn’t,” I offered coolly.
He had to consider my word choice a moment. “Then who was?” he snapped. “Malachi?”
I let my magic flare before pushing it beneath my skin. It didn’t take my magic flaring for me to know that Zaire was planning my death. “Rather than screaming in my face, maybe you should consider why my company would feel the need to eavesdrop at all.”
That seemed to stun him. “Are you, son of the evil king, implying thatIcannot be trusted?”
I gave him a simple shrug but made absolutely no move to stand down. “Our character is not inherited; we choose what kind of man we will become ourselves.” I was used to being tall and hadn’t really given much thought to it, particularly lately when I was surrounded by shifters much larger than me, but since I knew size was of importance to Zaire, it brought me great joy to find I was taller than he by two or three inches.
“I am a general of the queen. You think you’re better than me?” he seemed to growl.
I noted white hair to my left, though I never took my eyes from Zaire. Amory must have arrived. “No,” I snapped. “But I do not find my joy at another’s expense.”
That was delivered as good as a blow, but I kept my fist clenched at my sides in case the real thing was needed for extra emphasis.
Zaire seemed to quickly look around at all the prying eyes and said quietly, “I did not wish for this to happen.”
Exhausted from this day, I just gave him a bored look and moved to leave.
He grabbed my arm, and I spun back around, my magic surging to my skin. He looked at his hand as he quickly yanked it away. He must have felt the buzz of my magic through my clothing. “Whatever you think you heard, I did not wish for this.”
I cocked my head. “I know exactly what I heard. Your laughing at another and stating how they could at least be useful days before they lost their life doing exactly that.”
His eyes went wide. “I don’t like you any more than you like me, but you cannot think thatIhad anything to do with this?”
Was he being genuine? Or was he trying to save face since people were listening in? “I’ve seennothingof your character which gives me an ounce of faith in you.” I spun to leave while adding over my shoulder. “Touch me again, and you will not like it.”
I hadn’t meant to ruin the fun, but I was angry. Angry enough that I needed to remove myself from the party. I spun to Amory. “Goodnight. Thank you for allowing us to take part today.”
“Tara insisted,” Amory said gently. And then just as I moved to leave, she gave me a quick side hug. “Long day?”
I patted her back and let out a sigh. “Yes.”