Page 100 of Into the Void
She smiled. “So you’re not going to stop me?”
“Why would I?”
“I don’t know. Following the elders’ orders, maybe?”
“Are you trying to change my mind?” Jay said.
“No, I meant... Nevermind.”
“I’ll cover for you,” Jay said. “By the time they notice, it’ll be too late to stop you from getting to the city.”
“They’ll follow me,” she said.
“You have a life,” Jay said. “We can’t stop everything just because there are vampires and voids running around. Some of the others have already gone back to work. Another few hours, and I’d bet a lot more will do the same. Back to their kids, their jobs, school, whatever. I’ll cover for you as long as I can. By the time they realise you’re missing, half the coven will be gone back to their own lives. I really doubt they’ll chase you down, especially if you’re with the void.”
“I appreciate it, Jay, but it’s not the same thing. They know where I’m going. Nick changes everything.”
Jay shrugged. “True, but they can’t expect to keep you prisoner, either. I’ll do what I can to calm them down.”
“Thank you.”
“Just don’t get yourself killed,” Jay said. “And tell Nick he better keep you safe, or he’ll have to answer to me.”
Chapter 37 - Nick
“We need to talk,” Henry said.
Nick glanced at Brett, but he didn’t say anything. Henry was good at this kind of thing. He always had the right words.
“We should talk about your mother,” Henry said.
Brett pushed himself into a sitting position, and after a moment, Nick did the same.
“It seems like you’re both in a good mood, and I hate to ruin that, but things are crazy right now, and I have to say this now in case we don’t get another chance. Nick, you’ve heard some of this already.”
“Go ahead,” Brett said.
Nick didn’t say anything. His mouth was dry, and no matter what he did, he couldn’t seem to shake it.
“Was she a void?” Brett asked.
“Direct, as always, Brett,” Henry said. “No, she wasn’t a void. But she had magical blood. Some of her ancestors were witches.”
“Like Cara,” Nick said.
“Yes. Very much like Cara. Her coven, those families with their bloodlines and power and community, they’re not unique. Not very common, but not unique.”
“Why aren’t we witches?” Brett asked. “Isn’t that how it works?”
Henry nodded. “Usually. However, it isn’t always the case. Not all supernatural beings inherit their power, but witches do. From what I’ve heard, voids are the same. Sometimes, if those bloodlines are joined, the children can take after one instead of the other.”
Nick frowned. “So we have a void ancestor.”
“Presumably. Keep in mind that this is all guesswork. I had no idea that your mother’s family could produce voids. In the handful of stories that I’ve heard from other people, the witch power usually dominates, so it’s not uncommon for the void to skip entire generations.”
“So we got lucky,” Brett grinned.