Page 125 of Into the Void
More yells came from the living room as they pushed through the front door and got outside. The living room door was blasted open, and Nick turned to see the smoking husk of wood hit the far wall.
Cara was the first into the hallway, and she did something with the flames in her hands. Fire exploded, and she ran after Nick and Henry. Behind her, the witches were frantically putting out the flames.
It didn’t take long.
Nick sprinted for the edge of the garden. If there were wards in place, it might stop the witches from following. Was that how it worked? Not all of them lived here.
Voices pierced the air as the witches yelled words Nick didn’t understand. Spells, he guessed, so he kept his hand locked around Henry’s arm. He fumbled with the void, blindly trying to shield Henry.
They kept running, so it must have worked.
They got past the wards, and Cara followed them moments later. The wards glowed to life when she crossed, but the magic didn’t stop her. This was her home, after all.
Energy and fire and weird light bounced off the protective wall, and Cara clutched his arm, turning to stare at her coven as they rushed towards them.
Chapter 46 - Cara
The first witch hit the wall and rebounded off the invisible magic shield, hitting the ground hard.
“It worked,” Cara gasped.
The ward magic was too powerful, and now, it was working against them.
Nick gently placed Henry on the ground, and Cara was relieved to see the older man pushing himself to his feet. He looked shaken, but not seriously injured.
“Ironic,” Nick said, watching the witches panic and scramble to find a way to bypass their own wards.
“Don’t look so smug,” Cara said.
“I’m not smug.”
“Tell that to your face.”
“Cara!” Her father burst through the crowd and ran through the wards without a problem. “Cara, what the hell are you doing?”
Cara ran to him and grabbed his hands, stopping whatever spell he was about to cast. “Please, Dad. Don’t hurt him.”
Eric glared at him, but he didn’t pull his hands away.
Nick slowly, cautiously, moved in front of Henry. “Leave him out of this,” he told Eric.
Eric frowned, glancing at Henry, then back to Nick, and finally to Cara.
“You can’t be in the middle of this, Cara. It’s too dangerous.”
“Nick’s not dangerous.”
“The void isn’t the only one who can hurt you, Cara, and he is dangerous, no matter what you believe.”
“If he wanted to hurt me, he would have done it by now.”
Her father let out a humourless laugh. “You keep saying that. Do you think it makes me feel better? Do you think it will help me sleep at night?”
“It’s true, Dad. He doesn’t want to hurt me. He doesn’t want to hurt any of us. I need you to trust me.”
“It’s not you. It’s him I don’t trust,” he said.