Page 130 of Into the Void
“You’re doing this right now,” Jay said. “Warn me next time.”
“Next time, I will,” she gasped.
She needed to clear the glass shards around the window frame if she didn’t want to get torn to shreds. She ran through the options in her head, and then she threw out her hands and flames blasted through the window, destroying the lethal shards of glass.
Behind her, the top half of the door broke open, shattering as it fell, and she saw her father and two other witches in the doorway. Behind them, a dozen more stood in the hallway, staring into the kitchen.
“Don’t even think about leaving this house,” Eric yelled.
“Sorry for the broken window,” she told her dad, and she grabbed the windowsill to haul herself up.
Jay cursed. He was still holding the salad, for some reason, but he finally dropped it and lifted his arms. He crossed his wrists in the air and closed his eyes.
The witches were using magic on the door, but her father grabbed the door and vaulted it, landing in the kitchen.
Cara crouched on the windowsill and tried to jump, but something pulled her belt backwards. She looked down, and nothing was there. Her father was rushing towards her with his arm extended, using his magic to keep her from leaving before he could reach her.
She almost forgot about Jay until he opened his eyes and threw his arms wide.
Every cabinet and drawer in the kitchen burst open and everything exploded outwards. Pots and pans and plates and shelves and drawers hurled into the centre of the room. Everything not nailed down flew through the air.
Eric dived to the floor, covering his head with his arms as he was pelted with kitchenware.
Cara dropped onto the grass outside, and something was tossed outside, landing beside her. Jay’s keys.
“Don’t wreck my car,” Jay yelled, and she heard crashing from the kitchen.
Cara grabbed the keys and ran.
Chapter 49 - Nick
Nick was smiling when he got home.
It actually worked. He helped Jackson. The vampire influence was gone, and he was able to get rid of that fog that filled his friend’s mind. If he could do that, the void wasn’t completely bad. He could use it for good things.
“Hey,” he called out, shrugging off his jacket. “It’s me.”
Silence filled the house.
Nick stopped. His fingers twitched for a weapon, and he silently cursed himself for leaving it behind. Henry told him he was coming home to check on Brett. Even if Henry got delayed, Brett should have been here. Something was wrong.
Nick checked the kitchen first. It was empty, but there was a half-empty coffee cup on the table. He scanned the room as he walked over and touched the cup. Still warm.
He kept moving, but when he neared the living room door, his heart started beating faster. The door was slightly ajar, and even though he couldn’t hear a thing, he felt something waiting on the other side.
Nick pushed the door gently, and it swung open to reveal three people standing inside. Three beautiful people. Faye smiled serenely, and Dixon and Richards watched him with hard, cold eyes.
The void lines spilled across his skin and the vampires tensed.
“Hi, Nick,” Faye said. “You kept us waiting.”
Her eyes flicked to the side, and her smile grew. With a pit in his stomach, Nick stepped forward until he could see what she was looking at.
Henry. He lay on the couch, and he wasn’t moving.
Nick rushed to him, trying to keep his guard up, but he had to look at Henry. He took his eyes off the vampires and grabbed Henry’s arm. Cold, unmoving, and completely human.