Page 144 of Into the Void
Cara glanced up at him. “It’s more complicated, so the protection will be stronger. I need something solid to enchant.”
“Runes, enchanting, it’s all the same thing.”
“Oh.” He leaned against a windowsill while she closed her eyes, whispering under her breath. “Where did you learn to do this?”
“Give me a second. Focusing over here.”
“Sorry.” He waited, and eventually, she lifted her head again.
“That was the hard part.”
“So the rest should be easier,” he said.
“I need your blood,” Cara said.
“My what?”
“I thought you said the hard part was over.”
She shrugged. “I need your blood to bind the spell and allow you to bypass the protective wards.”
“But I’m a void. I can already bypass it.”
“It’s for Brett, mostly. And any other blood relatives.”
As Nick went inside to grab a knife from the kitchen - carefully avoiding looking at the living room door - something occurred to him.
He came back with a small sharp blade. “Does it matter that I’m a void?”
“What do you mean?”
“My blood. Does the void affect it?”
Cara frowned. “Good question. I have no idea.”
“Is there a chance it could mess up your spell?”
She considered it for a moment. “Maybe. Better to play it safe, I guess. We’ll skip the blood part. I’ll update the wards with Brett’s blood when we can. At least, for now, no other supernatural creatures will be able to get into your house.”
She held out her hand for the knife.
“I thought we were skipping the blood thing.”
“Blood magic is at the core of these kinds of spells,” she said. “We can’t use your blood, so we’ll use mine.”
Nick hesitated, but they didn’t really have another choice. The vampires were the biggest threat right now, and he couldn’t leave their house unprotected, especially with Henry inside.
“Don’t worry,” she added as she pricked her finger, “it’s just temporary. We’ll update the spell later.”
“Whose blood was used for the original spell?” Nick asked, glancing back at the burnt grass behind them.
“Henry’s, probably. Okay, we’re almost done.”
Cara took a breath and closed her eyes. She raised her hands over her head, and a gust of wind circled them both. He quickly stepped back, and she lifted her face to the sky with her eyes still closed. She looked like she was praying, but the words she spoke weren’t from any prayer he recognised.