Page 177 of Into the Void
“I don’t like this,” Nick said.
“It’s been weeks,” Cara said. “Things have settled.”
“It’s not over,” he said.
“No, but we still have to live our lives.”
A cold wind brushed past them, and she tugged the collar of her jacket closer to keep out the cold. The sky was clear, and the sun did little to keep them warm. Nick was standing beside her, wearing grey jeans and a leather jacket, and his dark hair moved in the wind.
“The coven doesn’t trust me,” Nick said. “I shouldn’t be here.”
“Today, this is just my parent’s house. Nothing to do with the coven.”
Nick looked at the house in front of them, and she watched the blue in his eyes. His bruises had faded, and his neck was finally healed, and there was a healthy flush in his cheeks.
“Your dad hates me, and your mother seems like the type to keep her opinions to herself. So she probably hates me, too.”
“They don’t hate you.”
Nick looked at her like she was crazy.
“They used to be afraid of you, but it’s not the same anymore. Give it time.”
“Time sounds good. I’ll come back in a few months.”
She smiled and slipped her arm through his. “We’re doing this. Don’t worry, I’ll be with you the whole time.”
He sighed. “Okay. For you.”
“Thank you.”
They walked up the path to the door, and she could feel the tension in his body.
“How’s Jay?” he asked.
“Changing the subject?”
“He’s improving. The spell took a toll on him, just like the others.”
“Did everyone else recover? Apart from the elders, I mean.”
“They’ll be fine. The elders took the worst of the impact from the spell.”
“What will the coven do without them?”
“We’ll survive. Ana is still with us, and the others will be missed.”
“Who’s going to replace them?”
“It hasn’t been decided yet. How’s Brett?”
“Now, you’re changing the subject.”
“I am. How is he?”
“He’s okay. He’s working a lot. They fixed the pub, and it looks better than it did before. The owners are still trying to figure out who destroyed it the first time, but they have insurance. The damages were covered.”