Page 2 of Into the Void
Nick caught her eye, and she realised she was staring. He met her gaze with an easy smile, and she returned it.
“So where are we going now?” Quinn asked.
They discussed options, and while they stood there, a few people walked past. They all moved out of the way, trying not to dominate the path. Somehow, Cara ended up standing beside Nick.
“Hi,” he said. “I’m Nick. Cara, right?”
“Yeah, that’s me,” she said, and she forced herself to look away. She didn’t want to be too obvious.
A cold breeze swept through the group, and she crossed her arms, hugging herself against the cold. Her hand brushed against Nick’s arm. His shirt sleeves were rolled up, and when their skin touched, she felt something. She frowned and glanced at him, but he didn’t seem to notice.
She shifted her stance slightly, looking towards one of the others, and she let her hand brush his arm again.
There. Something. Not magic, but it was similar. Something new. She glanced at him again, trying to wonder if she should be worried. There were a lot of things out there besides witches, and not all of them were friendly.
“Are you okay?” Nick asked.
“Hmm? Yeah, of course. Just distracted. It was a long day.”
“I know the feeling,” he said, smiling at her again.
Definitely not magic. She tried to listen to her intuition, and she didn’t feel like she was in danger. She put the strange feeling out of her mind. Besides, Quinn and Julia knew him and trusted him, and she trusted them.
He misunderstood her staring and gave her a grin. She quickly looked away.
“Where are we going?” Quinn asked. “I don’t want to stand here for the rest of the night.”
“We can go to Kevin’s,” someone said, but Cara was too distracted to know which of the guys spoke.
“That’s so far away,” Quinn said. “There must be somewhere closer.”
Cara had no idea who Kevin was, but she was definitely on Quinn’s side if it meant less walking around in the cold.
“Do you have anywhere else in mind?”
Quinn looked at Cara and Julia, and they all silently agreed. None of them wanted to bring a bunch of drunk college guys into their house. Parties always got out of control, and they didn’t have the money to replace whatever would get broken.
“Kevin’s is fine,” Julia said.
The group took a minute to figure out which way to go, and Cara shivered.
“Are you cold?” Nick asked.
“Kind of, but I’ll be fine when we get inside somewhere.”
“I’d offer you my jacket, but I didn’t bring one,” Nick said, gesturing at his clothes. The shirt and jeans didn’t look very warm, but he didn’t seem bothered by the cold. His clothes fit him well, and she made an effort to look at anyone but him.
“I’ll be fine,” Cara said. “The walk will warm me up.”
Quinn heard them talking, and she rolled her eyes. “You look like you’re about to turn to ice. Just get your coat, we’ll wait.”
Cara realised everyone was looking at her. “It’s fine, you guys go ahead. I’ll catch up.”
Julia put a hand on her arm. “No way, we’re not letting you walk by yourself. It’s almost dark. We’ll all go.”
“In those heels? I doubt it,” one of the guys laughed, nodding to Quinn’s shoes.
“I have an idea,” Quinn said. “Why doesn’t Nick take you? You don’t mind, do you, Nick?”