Page 27 of Into the Void
She nodded, and after another silent stretch, she knew she couldn’t put it off any longer. “So you don’t remember anything?”
“Not really. I remember talking to Nick, I think. I was at work. He came in, and then...” Brett touched his head and winced. “Next thing I know, my head feels like a thousand hangovers all at once.”
“It looks like someone tried to fix the wound,” Cara said.
There were a few stitches, but the wound was surprisingly small. Considering the amount of blood, it should have been worse. Cara was no expert, but the small cut on his head was practically superficial. She didn’t even think it needed the stitches. Why would anyone put stitches on a wound that didn’t need them?
Unless it was healed another way. Something supernatural that dealt with most of the damage, and they put stitches there to make it look like normal medical care.
“I have a weird memory of a doctor,” Brett said. “There were bright lights, and she was wearing a white lab coat. It was really white, like really white, and it hurt my eyes.”
“A hospital?”
“No,” he said quickly. “It was... a blood bank. That sounds weird, doesn’t it? It doesn’t make much sense, but the doctor took care of me, so I guess it doesn’t matter.”
“Someone brought you there?”
“No,” Brett said. He rubbed his face for a few seconds. “I think I got there by myself. But I’ve never been there before. That doesn’t make sense either. I must be losing my mind.”
Cara had a hundred questions, and she couldn’t ask any of them. The thing that stood out to her the most was the fact that he found the blood bank, but he didn’t know how. When the vampires erased his memory, they must have brought him there, or else they planted the memory in his mind, so he was able to get there by himself.
Either way, it was strange.
Cara didn’t say anything else. Brett clearly couldn’t remember anything about the vampires, and she didn’t want to scare him. Finding out about magic was one thing. Finding out about bloodthirsty, memory-wiping vampires was something else entirely.
“Well, at least they took care of you,” she finally said.
“I guess,” he said. “I just wish I could remember more. Nick wanted to talk to me. He was trying to tell me something, but I thought he was crazy. He said...”
Brett tensed. “I remember.”
Cara stepped away to get the bowl of clean water from the table. “What do you remember?”
“It was you, wasn’t it?”
She glanced at him, and when she saw his expression, she hesitated. “What do you mean?”
He glared. “You did something to him. Made him believe crazy stuff. And he said there were weird veins showing up on his arms. What the hell did you give him?”
“Nothing,” she said quickly.
Brett stood up, finally able to stand without wavering. “I don’t believe you. Now my memory’s all messed up, and you just randomly show up at my house? Where’s Nick? I want answers. Right now.”
Cara took a step back. Even in his weakened state, Brett was a big guy. Just as big as Nick, and far bigger than she was.
“I can explain,” she said.
“So it was you. He was talking about magic and witches and fireballs. That was you. You did something to his head. You slipped him something, or-”
“What I told him is true,” she said. “It was all true. Magic is real.”
He scoffed. “Sure, and I’m an elf. I don’t know how you tricked him, but I won’t be as easy to-”
She touched her fingers together and pulled them apart, conjuring a tiny flame between her fingertips.
Brett stared at the flame. “What the... It’s real. No, no way. Do something else.”
She frowned. “What?”