Page 31 of Into the Void
Nick frowned. “So how did you get in?”
“I got past them,” she shrugged.
“You got past them? They can’t be very good, then.”
“It’s not like that. When Brett came back, he brought me inside with him. People living here can come in and out, and I was with him.”
“So it just knew you were a friend?”
“We were physically touching. That’s usually enough, depending on the complexity of the runes.”
“Okay, this is a lot of information, but I think I’m following. Why were you touching him?”
“He was injured,” she said.
He frowned. “His head was that bad?”
She hadn’t been planning to tell him, but she couldn’t lie when he was looking at her with those eyes. “The vampires erased his memory of them. That kind of interference usually has a ripple effect on the mind. He was a bit unsteady, but it was mostly because he was still recovering from losing those memories.”
He cursed and slammed his fist against the wall beside her, and he didn’t notice her jerk away from him.
“I should have expected that,” Nick said.
“He’s fine now,” she said.
His fist was still braced against the wall, and his arm was locked in place.
“It’s okay,” Cara said. “We’ll figure this out.” She put her hand on his fist and gently pulled it down. “It’s okay.”
He glanced down at her hand, but he didn’t pull away. “Thanks for helping him.”
“You already thanked me.”
“Well, I’m thanking you again. He’s important to me.”
“Of course, he is. He’s family.”
He watched her for another moment, and she felt his grip relaxing, and his fingers slipped through hers. “Do you need to go home?”
“Probably. My parents will be losing their minds.”
“I can give you a ride,” he said, and then he groaned. “Actually, I can’t. Brett was in no state to drive. His car is probably still in town.”
“I’ll get the bus.”
“You’re not getting the bus.”
“There’s nothing wrong with the bus.”
“We’re in a city full of vampires and who knows what else. You’re not getting on a bus alone at night.”
“You know I’m a witch, right? I can take care of myself.”
He frowned, and his eyes ran over her hair, her clothes, and finally settled on the tiny dots of blood on her shirt. “I’ll go with you.”
“I don’t think my family would react well.”
He smirked. “I meant I’ll get the bus, and then I’ll get the bus back.”