Page 4 of Into the Void
Cara finally took a breath. This was different. Nick was different. She never acted like this around people she didn’t know. He was practically a stranger, but she couldn’t shake it.
Her phone buzzed again.
“I should check that,” she finally said, and she pulled herself away from his blue eyes.
Just arrived! Guys going to get beer. You want some?
And the second message.
Think he really likes you. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!
Cara smiled, breathing a quiet laugh. Quinn’s dating history was chaotic, but it had steadied after she started dating her boyfriend. Ever since, she was trying to live vicariously through Cara and Julia. Mostly Cara, of course, since Julia preferred women. Quinn wouldn’t appreciate the irony of her message interrupting the exact moment she was trying to encourage.
“Who is it?” Nick asked.
“Just Quinn,” she said. She sent a quick reply and put her phone away. “My jacket’s in my room upstairs. Feel free to check the fridge for drinks if you want. I’m sure we have something. I’ll be right back.”
“Actually, no,” she blurted, suddenly remembering how messy the house was. She loved Quinn and Julia, but they weren’t known for their cleaning skills. “Come upstairs.”
He shrugged and followed her, and as soon as she got to the top of the stairs, she rushed into her room and took advantage of the few seconds before he joined her. She tossed several things into the wardrobe and threw a blanket over a pile of clothes on her bed.
“You okay?” he asked.
“I’m fine,” she said, trying to catch her breath without being obvious. “Sit down, I’ll just be a minute. Are you sure you don’t want anything to drink?”
“I’m fine,” he said, taking a seat by her desk. “Nice room.”
“Thanks,” she said. “Sorry, I swear I left that coat on the hook on my door, but it’s not here.”
“Do you want help looking for it?”
“No! I mean, no, it’s fine.” She nudged the wardrobe door closed with her shoe.
He raised an eyebrow at her exclamation, but nodded.
“I wonder if I...” She muttered to herself as she kept looking. Somehow, impossibly, her coat was gone. She had others, but she knew which one she wanted. After dragging him away from his friends, she wanted to make the trip worthwhile.
She noticed a necklace lying on her desk, and she glanced at Nick. He hadn’t noticed it. It was a gift from her mother, and it was engraved with a symbol that represented the first rune of a spell circle. It was supposed to be symbolic of new beginnings.
If he was involved in the supernatural world, at all, he would probably recognise it.
Cara nudged the necklace and it fell on the floor, and Nick looked over as she bent down to pick it up.
“Cool necklace,” he said.
She hesitated. “Do you recognise it?”
He looked closer. “I don’t think so. Should I?”
She studied his face, but he seemed to be telling the truth. “It’s just a family heirloom. My ancestors have lived around here for a long time.”
He nodded politely, and she suddenly felt like an idiot, since he clearly had no idea what it was.
“I think I know where my jacket is. I’ll be right back. It looks like someone borrowed it and didn’t put it back, probably Quinn, so I’m going to check the other rooms.”
Nick smiled. “Take your time.”