Page 62 of Into the Void
Barden moved in a flash and put a dagger to Nick’s throat.
Nick froze, eyes wide and locked on Barden’s face. He could hear Jay threatening the vampire, telling him to put the blade down, but his heartbeat was thundering through his ears.
“I should kill you,” Barden said. “Your people are monsters.”
Nick held his breath.
“Unfortunately, Samuel wants you alive. This dagger is intended to make you think,” Barden said softly. “I could kill you, right here and right now, and no one would ever care. The only good void is a dead void. I’d be doing the world a service.”
He pulled the dagger away, and Nick tried to breathe again.
“Why?” he asked.
“Samuel wants you,” Barden said.
“But you want to kill me.”
“My loyalty to him is stronger than my hatred of you. Samuel is not the enemy you think he is. Not yet, at least. You made a mistake today, but if you act quickly, you could make amends. Don’t throw away a chance at an alliance with the most powerful man you will ever meet.”
Nick didn’t say anything.
“I hope I don’t regret letting you live,” Barden said. “But I believe the real Samuel is still inside him, and if there’s even a chance, I’ll follow him to the grave.”
“Do the others know?” Jay asked. “The other vampires?”
Barden looked at him. “About his defeat of the voids? You’re asking why the clans have been united for so long. Yes, Samuel is the reason. When the young need guidance and control, they question everything. Their emotions are heightened. Their bloodlust can turn the smallest conversation into a violent affair. They need someone to follow - someone strong, powerful, inspiring. Someone worth following. A leader with a story like his.”
With that, Barden turned and stepped through the doorway he came from.
Nick rushed after him, but when he got there, the room was empty. Two doors stood open, and one of them led to a hallway with countless other rooms.
“He’s gone,” Nick said.
Jay grabbed his arm and pulled him around. “What the hell is wrong with you? Don’t chase a vampire. Ever. It’s probably a trap.”
“It’s not,” Nick said. “He could have killed me, but he didn’t. He had his chance.”
Jay stared at him. “We can talk about it later. Right now, we need to hurry. Even if he’s not trying to kill us, there are plenty of vampires who will. Let’s go. We find Cara, we find your brother, and then we’re out of here.”
Nick nodded and followed him, but he couldn’t stop thinking about Samuel.
Chapter 22 - Nick
“How long has it been since Cara fell?” Jay said. “Ten minutes? Twenty minutes? Gods, we need to find her soon.”
Nick peered into the next doorway, but it was empty, just like all the others. Jay went ahead, glancing into a few rooms as he passed.
“She could be anywhere. Who knows how far she fell?”
“That’s not helping,” Nick said.
“I’m just thinking out loud. She could be anywhere.”
“Try thinking a little quieter,” Nick said.
Jay turned sharply. “She wouldn’t even be here if it wasn’t for you.”