Page 68 of Into the Void
Jay relaxed his stance. “I guess I would’ve done the same.”
Cara couldn’t believe what she was seeing, but she kept quiet, not wanting to say anything that might set them off again.
Nick took a few slow steps towards Jay. “It’s temporary. Your magic will come back, eventually.”
“I know,” Jay said. “But I feel like I got hit by a truck. I knew about the magic, but I didn’t know how bad it would feel.”
Cara frowned. “I didn’t feel anything like that.”
“To be honest, I feel hungover,” Jay said. “I’m tired, my head is pounding and my stomach’s turning. You know what, tired isn’t the right word. I’m exhausted.”
Nick glanced at Cara. “Is that supposed to happen?”
“I have no idea,” she said.
She looked at Jay, seeing how pale he was, and she finally noticed the contrast with Nick. His skin was practically glowing with health, and he didn’t look tired at all, despite the fact that he just went through hell.
“I’ll be fine,” Jay said. “I already feel better than a few minutes ago. Right now, our main priority is your brother.”
“To help him,” Nick said.
Jay didn’t reply.
“You said he’s a void,” Nick said. “Why? And what’s a daywalker?”
“He was a void,” Jay corrected. “He’s not one anymore. Now he’s... something else.”
“A daywalker.”
Jay nodded. “A vampire who can control his own corruption.”
“What does that mean?” Nick asked.
Jay shook his head. “I don’t know. I’ve only heard about them from my parents, but I know how dangerous they are.”
“Why have I never heard about them?” Cara asked.
“I have no idea, honestly,” Jay said. “You read a lot more than I do. I would’ve expected you to know.”
“What book did you read it in?”
Jay paused for a moment, still moving his fingers like he was trying to use his magic. “It wasn’t a book. My parents told me. But it must be written down somewhere.”
“We need to find him,” Nick said. “He’s confused and scared, and we can’t let him hurt someone by accident.”
Cara didn’t say it out loud, but she knew there was another, more likely possibly - that it wouldn’t be accidental. Brett might hurt someone because he wanted to. Bloodlust was the biggest, and only, driving factor for any new vampire. They didn’t usually bother to hold back.
She caught Jay’s eye. They were thinking the same thing.
“I... I need to get out of here,” Jay said. “This is too weird. I need to tell the others about this. The coven needs to know. It’s not natural.” He shook his head again and started walking away.
“Wait, Jay,” she called out, but he ignored her and kept walking.
Cara turned to Nick. “I need to be there. Who knows what the coven will decide to do when they hear about this?”
Nick nodded. “That’s a good idea. You should go back to the coven. Go home. It’s safer there, and you need to recover.”