Page 74 of Into the Void
“She could have died, and it would have been our fault. She can’t keep herself safe if she doesn’t know what’s out there.”
Jay shifted his weight to his other leg, and Cara suddenly remembered that they were surrounded by several witches from the coven.
“Maybe we should finish this conversation later,” she said pointedly.
Her parents glanced around, and after another moment of silence, they nodded.
One of the other witches cleared her throat. “Regardless, the daywalker changes everything. A void and a daywalker in the same city... We need to prepare and gather our loved ones and our allies. For all we know, there are more of them.”
“But why are they so dangerous?” Cara insisted. “You keep talking about daywalkers, but nobody has actually said what they do. How are they different from normal vampires, apart from walking in the daylight?”
There was a moment of silence, and Cara thought they were refusing to answer, but she saw the expressions on several faces. “You don’t know,” she said. “You don’t know what he is.”
“The daywalkers are an abomination,” one of the witches said.
“Why?” she asked.
The witch scoffed. “Vampire and void in one creature, it’s disgusting.”
She glanced at Jay, and his frown confirmed her suspicions. His earlier reaction wasn’t based on proof - he reacted to Brett being a daywalker because he’d been taught that they were monsters. He didn’t know why Brett was dangerous, and from what she could see, nobody else knew either. They just knew they were supposed to hate him.
“We need to talk to the elders,” her mother said. “They will decide what needs to be done.”
Her mother’s words were sharp as a whip, and Cara froze. Her mother never spoke to her like that. Never.
“You will go home, and you will stay there,” Rose continued. “No college, no friends, nothing that requires you to leave the house.”
“This is ridiculous-”
“Enough! You could have died today. Do you understand that? Do you understand how much danger you were in? Not only were you in a vampire den without proper preparation, you were with a void.”
“Nick isn’t-”
“This conversation is over. We’ll discuss things further when I get back. Right now, the elders need to know everything we know.”
Cara stared at her mother in shock, but Rose was already walking out of the door, and most of the gathered witches followed her. Only her father stayed behind, keeping watch on her, presumably.
“I should go,” Jay said. “My family might worry if they hear about this from someone else. I need to let them know I’m okay.”
She nodded, but she didn’t trust her voice not to shake.
After Jay left, Cara and her dad stood in silence for several moments.
“Time to go home,” Eric said.
She raised an eyebrow. “Do I have a choice?”
“So, what, I’m a prisoner now?”
“If that’s what it takes to keep you safe and alive, then yes.”
She gritted her teeth and walked out of the room. She could hear him following her, but she didn’t look back at him, and he didn’t say anything else as they left the house.