Page 87 of Into the Void
His stepdad nodded. “It’s more like... influencing people’s thoughts. Not pure mind control, but close enough.”
“Okay, but still, I’m not a vampire, either.”
“Every supernatural creature seems to have other, secondary abilities. Vampires are undead immortals, but they can heal themselves, too, and they can influence minds.”
“Witches have magic and the intuition thing.”
Henry nodded. “Exactly. Intuition doesn’t require spellcasting. It’s innate.”
“Okay,” Nick said. “So you’re saying that I might have some kind of... other abilities.”
“Maybe. We don’t know enough about voids, but it’s possible. Based on what I’ve seen today and the old stories about voids, I’d say it’s probable.”
“Finally, something helpful,” Nick said.
Henry was still deep in thought, Nick could see it on his face, and he sighed.
“There’s more, isn’t there?”
“I don’t like the way you said that,” Nick said. “Sounds ominous.”
“It’s probably nothing. There could be drawbacks.”
“Vampires can’t walk in the sunlight. Witches’ magic takes a toll on their bodies, to the point where overexertion could render them unconscious or even kill them in extreme cases.”
“What drawbacks does a void have?” Nick asked.
“I don’t know,” Henry said. “But be careful.”
Nick let out a breath. “Okay. I’ll try to keep that in mind.”
“Right now, let’s focus on the good side. You clearly have a talent with weapons. Let’s step up the training and see how far I can push you.”
Nick lifted his club.
Chapter 32 - Cara
Cara spent hours in Jay’s family library, researching and trying to find everything she could about voids. Most of it was anecdotal, stories of horror and violence and death, and almost all of them ended with a warning about staying away from voids.
“A bit late for that,” she muttered.
She wanted to find anything about how the void worked. That dark power had to function in a specific way. Everything did. She wasn’t expecting a scientific study, but there had to be something.
“Hey, Cara. Are you hungry?”
Jay stood in the doorway, and Cara saw the sunlight streaming in through the windows behind him. The angle was wrong, she thought, and then she realised that hours must have passed since she came in here.
“What time is it?”
He sighed. “I knew you were working yourself too hard. Come on, the two of us are getting something to eat.”
Cara reluctantly set down the book she was leafing through. The table was covered in piles of tomes, documents, drawings and every kind of book she could imagine. It was a mountain of information, and she had barely scratched the surface.