Page 89 of Into the Void
Jay was quiet for a moment.
“It doesn’t matter, I still have loads of material to get through. Maybe I’ll find something.”
“I can bring you in there,” Jay said.
She looked at him. “You have access? Seriously?”
“Of course. It’s my family’s library.”
“But the elders sealed it.”
“Mom asked them to seal it. It would be kind of pointless if our family couldn’t access our own stuff.”
Cara hesitated. “But... Won’t your parents be upset?”
“They won’t care. Probably. Anyway, they’re not here, so it doesn’t matter.”
“I don’t know...”
Jay smirked. “If you’re worried that they won’t approve, think of it this way - you’re using their library to research voids. I don’t think they’d approve of that. You’re already breaking the rules, so what’s the difference if you go a little further?”
Cara hesitated.
“They won’t be home for a few hours,” Jay said.
“Okay,” she finally said. “Thanks, Jay, I really appreciate this.”
“No problem.”
They went back into the library, and Jay led the way to the huge, heavy door at the back.
He touched his hand to the spiral rune in the centre of the door. It lit up, glowing a warm yellow, and the light spread outwards, flowing through the other runes covering the door. It reached the edges and every rune pulsed brightly, one huge flash of yellow, and then they faded.
Jay pushed the heavy door open.
“Wow,” Cara said. “That was cool. And easier than I expected.”
“Yeah, I think it’s blood-locked. We all gave a drop of blood when they were doing the runes.”
“Like protection wards,” she said.
They walked inside, and Cara looked around at the half dozen bookcases full of old books. They covered three walls, stretching from the floor to the ceiling.
“This is impressive,” she said.
The room was roughly a square, and there were two long tables in the centre of the room. At the back of the room, the only wall without bookshelves, there were three glass cabinets. Cara went over to them, but the glass was tinted black, and she couldn’t see through it at all, even when she leaned down until she was just inches away.
“What are these?”
“Old coven artefacts,” Jay said with a shrug.
“Okay,” Cara said, and she told herself to focus. “Is there an organisational system?”
“As far as I can tell, it’s all random,” Jay said.
Cara nodded and decided to start at the first bookcase on the left of the doorway.