Page 92 of Into the Void
“But won’t they be useless if I do this?” Nick asked. “What if you need them again?”
“I can get them recharged,” Henry said. “I know some witches who sell their services for the right price.”
“Maybe we could ask Cara,” Nick said. “Not right now, obviously, with everything going on, but eventually.”
Henry nodded. “Sure. If she’s willing.”
“I can ask.”
Henry looked at him for a moment. “So, this girl...”
“We’re not talking about this.”
“I just want to know how it’s going.”
“Fine. It’s fine.”
“Do you like her?”
Nick grabbed the nearest thing. “I’ll just try the void on this one.”
“If you’re serious about her, I’d love to meet her sometime.”
“I think I can already feel the magic in this.”
Henry laughed. “Fine, we won’t talk about it. But I want to meet her. Eventually.”
“Eventually,” Nick said.
“My brain is broken,” Nick said, over an hour later.
Henry nodded. “I think this is a good time to stop. We’ll pick it up again in the morning.”
Henry went into the kitchen, and Nick started to follow him, but he happened to glance through the window as he passed it. There was someone standing on the street, staring at the house.
“Is that... Oh my god, Brett’s outside.” Nick turned and ran to the door, bursting through it and running outside. “Brett!”
Henry was behind him, but Nick barely noticed. Brett stared at him, obviously torn about something, but Nick didn’t care.
He threw his arms around his brother. “You’re okay. God, Brett, I was so worried. I’m so sorry. Are you okay? Are you hurt?”
Brett didn’t say anything, but he let Henry pull him into another hug.
“Let’s get you inside,” Henry said, putting his arm around Brett’s shoulders and leading him inside.
Brett looked over his shoulder at Nick as they walked inside. He didn’t speak, but he looked relieved. Relieved and exhausted. There were dark circles under his eyes, and Nick wondered if he had slept at all since he left the vampire den.
Nick glanced up and down the street, but it seemed deserted.
Inside, Henry was trying to get Brett to sit down, but he stayed standing.
“Brett, you’re kind of freaking me out,” Nick said, laughing nervously. “Say something.”
Brett looked at him. “You look normal.”