Page 95 of Into the Void
Cara took a deep breath and walked over to pick it up. She started to return to her original position, but she sighed and stayed where she was. She would have to build up to hitting far away targets.
She let magic flow through her body, warming her skin, and then she lifted her hand. The stake floated into the air, still trembling, and she threw her arm out.
The stake missed again, but it was closer.
The sun had well and truly risen, and Cara was ready to tear her hair out. She was improving, but it was slow. Too slow.
She noticed her parents looking at her through the kitchen window, but they didn’t ask her what she was doing. At one point, her mother stuck her head out the door to ask if Cara wanted a coffee or breakfast, and when Cara said no, they left her alone.
A couple of hours later, she heard the door open again.
“I don’t want any- Oh, Jay, hi.”
He smirked when he saw the garden. “Target practice?”
“Yeah. Fire isn’t ideal when it comes to vampires.”
“It worked the last time.”
“Against one or two of them, sure, but they heal quickly, and they usually attack in groups. Besides, the last time, I ended up filling the room with smoke, and that hurt me a lot more than it hurt them. I need to be more prepared.”
“Okay. I just came over to give you some copies of stuff I found in the void books.”
“I was going to head back, but now I have to hang around and see how you’re doing.”
“I’ll save you the trouble. I’m doing pretty bad.”
“Really? I doubt that. Go ahead, show me.”
“I really don’t need an audience for this, Jay. I’ve been struggling at this for hours and I’m barely improving.”
“And you hate being bad at anything,” Jay said with a grin. He hopped down from the back door step and wandered over to her. “Maybe I can help.”
She frowned, but he was quite good at this kind of thing, so she shrugged. “Alright.”
Cara repeated the motion - grab stick, levitate stick, send stick shooting at the bench. “Okay, that one missed, but I’m actually hitting it every fourth or fifth time, I swear.”
Jay raised an eyebrow. “Cara, you’re standing like ten feet from it, and it’s not even moving.”
“I know,” she groaned. “I told you I was bad at this.”
He grabbed one of the old chairs from the shed and pulled it out to sit down. “Okay, relax, we can try something else. Why don’t you try holding the stick?”
“I am.”
“No, you’re lifting it into the air andthenthrowing it. Just throw it from your hand. You don’t need to make it so complicated.”
Cara turned to try it, but she hesitated. “Are you sure you want to help me with this? We’re on opposite sides of this whole thing.”
“Are we?”
“Yeah. I’m on Nick’s side, and you chose the coven.”
“I helped you with the library.”