Page 14 of Brides & Birdies
“For someone running a company called Happily Ever Afters, you’re awfully sour. Who is this guy? Do I know him?”
“Why do you care? You have Shavonne now.”
“That doesn’t mean I stopped caring about you, Madison Leigh. I still consider you a friend.” He reaches his hand out toward me and I instinctively step back, folding my arms over my chest.
“Huh. Weird way of showing it.” Hot anger bubbles in my gut as I stare at Bentley’s stupidly handsome, smug face. “Anyway, I’m busy here, so if you could run along?—”
“Not before I hear about this new guy of yours.”
“It’s none of your damn business, Bentley.”
He rakes a hand through his dark hair, shakes his head. “For his sake, I hope you drop the whole Bitter Betty act. It’s not a good look.” Then he spins and strides across the dance floor, heels clicking against the parquet.
“Asshole,” I mutter under my breath, although the room’s still empty. My jaw aches from clenching, reminding me that now I need to find a new dentist. Because there’s no way in hell I’m going back to his office.
Remembering my text from Spence, I slide my phone from my pocket and tap a quick response.
Madison Leigh: Me too. See you soon
He immediately hearts my message and I smile down at the screen, butterflies zooming around my stomach.
Get a grip, Madison. It’s a fake date and he’s only being nice.
I chalk the impromptu butterfly ballet in my gut up to the fact that a fake date with Spence is still a million times better than a real one with Bentley. Even if it’s only one night.
I showup to the wedding chapel a few minutes before four wearing my best suit, a light pink shirt, and a tie in a slightly darker shade of pink. Blowing out a quick breath, I scan the steps for any sign of Madison Leigh. But I’m all alone out here, just me and the squirrels.
Loping across the grass, I hesitate for a minute outside the tall oak chapel doors, debating going inside or waiting out here. A brisk wind picks up, whipping through the trees and stinging my face. Inside wins.
I wrench the heavy door open and step into the warmth of the bright foyer. My heels click against the wood floor, echoing through the quiet space. Sunlight streams through the large stained-glass window at the front of the chapel and soft piano music filters through the air. Flowers adorn every pew, a few guests already seated and waiting for the main event. Still no sign of Madison.
My ears perk up at the high-pitched giggles drifting down the hallway to my left. Madison’s probably in the Bridal Suite with her cousin, helping out. I shove a hand in my pocket and do my best to act nonchalant, although my insides are jittery with first date nerves.
Should I go into the chapel and take a seat? Which side is the bride’s and which is the groom’s?
Shifting from foot to foot, I ponder my options. This is the part of dating I’m not overly fond of. I much prefer a nice, stable relationship, with fewer unknowns.
I swivel toward the angelic voice, my lower body tensing.
“Hey.” Madison’s standing in the center of the tiny space, golden sunlight spilling through the windows and bathing her in an ethereal glow. She’s so damn beautiful, her curvy silhouette perfectly showcased in the silky blush dress, dark waves cascading around her shoulders. “You look gorgeous.”
I step forward, my lips brushing the velvety skin of her cheek. After all, this can’t seem like a first date to anyone who may be watching. A soft blush stains the apples of her cheeks and my heart thuds hard in my chest.
“Thanks. You’re handsome—as always,” she adds for good measure.
“Madison!” A woman I vaguely recognize from the Bridal Brunch races down the hallway, clutching a bouquet of flowers to her chest. “Come quick!”
“What happened?” Madison narrows her eyes at the bridesmaid, but stays calm.
“Ginger spilled champs down Mary Elizabeth’s dress and now there’s a huge stain and Charity’s freaking!” The bridesmaid’s voice quivers, on the edge of hysteria.
“Spence, any chance you have lemon juice or vinegar on you?” Madison cuts her gaze at me and I shake my head.