Page 8 of Brides & Birdies
“How did you two meet? Does your brother know her?”
“We met at work. Madison’s a bridal planner and she was throwing a party at the club. I doubt Clayton knows her, but I’ll ask him next time we talk.”
“So Clayton hasn’t met her, either.” My mom’s spidey senses are definitely twitching, I hear it in her tone.
“No, he hasn’t. I told you—it’s early days. Listen, I need to hit the shower. Just walked in the door from work. Sorry I can’t make dinner tomorrow, but I’ll see you soon. Promise.”
“Okay, honey. Love you. Call me Sunday and let me know how the wedding went. Talk soon.”
I disconnect and blow out a breath of relief. Crisis mostly averted.
I’m in the middle of dicing a pepper when my cell buzzes again, this time with a text.
Most Annoying Bro Ever: Dude. I didn’t know you had a girlfriend. WTF?
Shit.Fake news travels fast.
Spence: Let me guess. You heard that from Mom
Most Annoying Bro Ever: Yeah. And here I thought we were tight. But you told Mom before me. Like WTF?
Spence: It’s not like that, bro
Most Annoying Bro Ever: ?
Spence: Long story, but it’s only a date. We’re not “dating”
Most Annoying Bro Ever: I’m hurt, man
Most Annoying Bro Ever: Like seriously wounded
Spence: Don’t be. I just met her today
Most Annoying Bro Ever: And you’re taking her to a wedding? Sounds serious
Spence: She needed a date and she’s hot, so…
Most Annoying Bro Ever: So you volunteered. Weird flex, but okay
Spence: If you saw her, you would have done the same thing
Most Annoying Bro Ever: IDK. I really hate suits
Spence: Trust me, she’s worth it
Clayton sends a stupid GIF of a monkey in a tux and I guffaw at his dumb joke.
Most Annoying Bro Ever: We still on for golf Sunday?
Spence: Tee time at noon, right?
Most Annoying Bro Ever: Yessir
Spence: Should be fine. Gotta go drain the pasta. Talk later
Most Annoying Bro Ever: Is that a new sex trick? Code for something I should know about?
Spence: Only if you’re in culinary school