Page 115 of Brett
“Go away,” she screamed.
Brett opened his door, stepped out, and walked around the truck.
“Get the fuck away from her,” he shouted, making Stafford stop and look at him.
“Or what?”
“I’ll fucking kill you.” Brett clenched his jaw so hard he was surprised his back molars didn’t shatter. He watched Stafford grin, then walked close to where Brett stood.
“You know, I don’t like you—”
“Like I fucking care.”
“She belongs to me,” Stafford shouted.
“Try to take her,” Brett said in a low voice.
Stafford laughed as he stepped closer.
“Come on then. You can have her if you’re still standing when I get through with you.”
Brett smirked. “Sounds good to me.”
He let him get closer and take the first swing. Brett ducked and hit him with an uppercut to the chin. Stafford staggered back but came back after him. He connected with a fist to Brett’s jaw, and Brett saw JoJo get out of the truck.
Brett spat blood out, then ran at him, taking him to the ground. He straddled him and punched him in the nose. Stafford got in a lucky punch, and Brett rolled off him. Both men got to their feet, but Stafford ran to his truck, and Brett ran after him. He wasn’t letting him go anywhere until Nevada arrived.
He skidded to a halt when Stafford got out of his truck again with a gun in his hand.
“Stop! I am taking her. Do you fucking hear me?”
“I don’t think you are,” Nevada said from behind him.
Brett breathed a relieved sigh as he watched Nevada walk toward Stafford with his weapon in front of him. He hadn’t seen him pull up.
“Drop your weapon,” Nevada shouted.
Brett heard sirens in the distance and looked at Nevada.
“My backup,” Nevada said with a grin, then looked at Stafford again. “Drop your fucking weapon, or I’ll drop you where you stand.”
Brett turned when he saw another SUV cruiser stop on the road, and Sam stepped out with his weapon drawn.
“Put the gun down,” Sam called out.
“I’m not going to jail,” Stafford yelled.
“It’s either jail or the morgue. It makes no difference to me,” Sam said.
Brett watched Stafford shoot at Nevada, causing him to duck. The bullet shattered the passenger side mirror, and Brett ran to JoJo.
“JoJo!” he yelled as he shielded her.
Sam shot, and Stafford hit the ground. Sam and Nevada ran to him. Sam kneeled, took his pulse, and called for an ambulance from the mike on his shoulder.
“Is he… dead?” JoJo asked.
Brett held her and leaned against the fender of the Tahoe. He could feel her shaking. He rubbed his hands up and down her back.