Page 26 of Brett
“He does it all the time when his friends are here. It’s how he is.”
Brett tilted his head. “Do you have a crush on the man?”
“No… not anymore.” She laughed.
“But you did at one time.”
JoJo shrugged. “I don’t think there are many women who wouldn’t have a crush on him.”
“And why is that?”
“I’m sure, looking as you do, you know what I mean.”
“Looking as I do?”
“You’re a good-looking man.”
“Aww, thank you, sweetheart.”
“You cowboys with your darlin’, sweetheart, and baby jargon.”
“I’ll stop if you’d prefer.”
“Nope. I like it.” She grinned when he chuckled.
She was having a good time with him. She looked at her watch.
“Is there somewhere you need to be?”
“Oh, no. It’s early yet.”
“We could see a movie.”
“How about we go to Dewey’s?”
“What’s Dewey’s?”
“Local cowboy bar.” She shrugged. “We don’t have to if you’d rather see a movie.”
“I’d love to go.”
She smiled as they exited the booth, and he took her hand. He led her to his SUV, and she told him how to get to the bar.
Brett kept his eyes on the road as they rode back to Clifton. JoJo told him where to turn, and when they reached the full parking lot, he wasn’t sure what to do. He didn’t see a space anywhere.
“Do you see any empty spots?”
“Not yet. There are more places around the back.”
“Okay.” He drove around the back, parked, and shut off the Tahoe.
“It’s a great bar. Scarlett Conway owns it.”
“Let me guess, another friend of yours.”
“Yes, but I knew her husband before she moved here.”