Page 37 of Brett
Brett smiled at her and then adjusted the stirrups for her. He touched the brim of his hat, strode to his horse, and vaulted into the saddle without using the stirrups.So far, so good.
The horse shifted under him, but he controlled it and rubbed its neck as he crooned softly to it.
“They know commands by your knees and the reins. Ready?”
She rode out into the sunshine, removed her sunglasses from the pocket of her shirt, and slipped them on. She glanced over her shoulder to see Brett riding out of the barn. He stopped beside her and did the same. He nodded at her to go first.
“It’s going to be a hot one,” he said.
“It sure is. The pool will feel great.”
“Did you bring a swimsuit?”
JoJo chuckled. “Yes.”
“Damn,” he said, making her laugh harder.
She stopped to let him lead the way, since she had no idea where they were going.
“How many acres?” she asked as she followed him and couldn’t keep her eyes off his broad back.
“Thirty-five. I don’t need that much, but I couldn’t pass up the house.”
JoJo nodded, though he couldn’t see her. She was impressed with the beautiful brick rancher.
“My parents own twenty-thousand acres. They raise Red Angus.”
“I imagine they do well with that.”
“They do.”
“So, you were born on a ranch. No wonder you sit a horse well.”
“Thank you. So do you.”
“I might be an architect, but I was born and raised a cowboy.”
“Do your parents live in Helena?”
“Yes. They own a small ranch and use to raise Black Angus beef, but they retired.”
“I know a few ranches in the area who do that. Calder Moore, Preston Mitchell, and Trent Donovan raise them.”
Brett reined his horse to a stop, turned in the saddle, making the leather creak, and looked at her over his shoulder.
“I’ve heard of Moore and Mitchell. Dad mentioned meeting them at a Cattlemen’s convention in Vegas.”
“They both have enormous ranches, as does Trent.”
“I’m not familiar with his name.”
“He recently started his ranch.”
“I see. Well, sweetheart, it’s too hot to sit here. Let’s get to the pond, eat, and relax.”
“I’m following you,” she said.