Page 63 of Brett
“One day at a time, girl. One day at a time. You might think it’s happening too fast, but if that feeling is there, you can’t stop it.”
“I’m not sure I want to stop it. Brett’s not only gorgeous and sexy, but he has a great sense of humor and personality. He can make me madder than a wet hen and then have me laughing until I cry.” JoJo shook her head. “He’s wonderful.”
“I bet he feels the same about you. From what Courtney said, you and Brett are very in tune with each other. She said when you were at Dewey’s together, even Nevada mentioned feeling the heat between you.”
“I look at him and can’t breathe,” JoJo whispered.
“I’m happy for you.”
“I’m scared, Nancy.”
“I know. We all are when love hits us.”
JoJo nodded, and Nancy returned to the kitchen. She told Nancy the truth. She was scared. So terrified of him not feeling the same. The thought alone brought an ache to her heart.
The morning passed, and JoJo looked at her watch to see that Brett should be here soon.
She entered the kitchen, removed her apron, and walked to the bathroom to brush her hair. It had been a hectic morning, and her ponytail was barely there. She got her purse from the safe, pushed open the door, entered the bathroom, and walked to the mirror over the sink.
“Oh, boy. They could have told you,” she said to her reflection.
She sighed, tugged off the band, removed a brush from her purse, ran it through her hair, then put it back into a ponytail.
Opening the door, she heard the women laughing and frowned. She entered the kitchen and stopped in the doorway to see them talking with Brett. He hadn’t seen her yet, and she took in the sight of him.
He wore his usual white straw cowboy hat, T-shirt, and jeans, but never looked sexier. She smiled when he laughed at something Courtney said. Then he saw her and grinned.
“Hi. I see they’re entertaining you. Did you meet Nancy?”
“Yes, I did.”
“Why are you all staring at me?” she asked with a frown.
“I’m trying to get Sloane to tell me your name.”
When JoJo gasped, everyone laughed, and she glared at Sloane.
“If you told him, you are dead to me.”
They howled with laughter, and JoJo grinned.
“You know I’d never do that, JoJo.” Sloane smiled at her.
“I do.” She shifted her eyes to Brett. “I’m ready if you are.”
“All right, darlin’.” He looked at Sloane. “I won’t keep her too long.”
“Take your time.”
JoJo grinned, waved to the women, and walked out the door.
Outside, Brett took her hand and kissed her lips. They crossed the street and walked to the diner. It was another hot day. Summer wouldn’t be here much longer, though, and in another month, it could snow.
“Damn, the smells coming from here,” he said when he opened the door for JoJo.