Page 67 of Brett
“I just wanted to make sure we were still on for tonight?”
“Of course. Why wouldn’t we be?”
“Yeah, that was just an excuse to talk to you. What time do you want me to pick you up?” He grinned when she laughed.
“How about six?”
“Sex? Sure, we can do that.” He chuckled when she laughed.
“We’ll talk about that later. Don’t be late, cowboy.”
“Yes, ma’am. Will you stay with me tonight?”
“Yes. Brett, I’m sorry, but I have to go. The line is out the door.”
Brett chuckled. “I believe it. Later, darlin’.”
He hitEnd, placed the phone back into his pocket, lay back again, and grinned.
At six, he knocked on her door. It opened, and his heart slammed against his ribs, looking at her. She wore a white sundress with little blue flowers printed on it, and on her feet were cowboy boots with blue stitching. Her hair flowed around her shoulders.
Brett stepped forward, cupped her face in his hands, and lowered his lips to hers. A shock ran through him the minute they touched.
“You look beautiful.”
“Thank you, and you look very handsome.”
Brett smirked. He wore his usual jeans, a white hat, a blue T-shirt, and cowboy boots.
“Are you ready to go?”
“I am.” She held her purse and suitcase up, stepped onto the stoop, and locked the door behind her.
“What’s the suitcase for?”
Brett grinned, took the case from her, and held her hand as he led her to his vehicle.
Once inside, he glanced at her. “Which way?”
JoJo gave him directions. He could have entered the address into the GPS, but he enjoyed listening to her. He had it bad.
“So, this dance is for anyone who wants to show up?”
“Yes. During the open season, the ranch has a dance every Saturday night to thank the guests who are checking out the next day. Not too many locals go to those since it’s for the quests. It’s a way to thank them for their patronage. On the last weekend of the season, they have a dance anyone can attend.”
“Sounds like a nice place.”
“It’s great. They also allow anyone to join in on camping trips. I’ve gone on a few of those.”
“It would be a great place to vacation.”
“The guests are required to stay a minimum of a week. Devin and Jaxon are nice guys.”
“More friends of yours?”
“Yes, but I’m also friends with their wives.”