Page 77 of Brett
When they left, she walked to the door and peered out.
“It’s getting darker. I think we’re due for a thunderstorm,” Sloane said as she looked at her.
“It’s calling for one.” Courtney added a tray of cupcakes to the case.
Just then, thunder clapped overhead, making them jump.
“That sounded close.” JoJo shook her head. “I hate thunderstorms.”
“I know how you feel about them, JoJo.” Sloane jerked when thunder rumbled again. The sky opened up, and sheets of rain poured down from the dark clouds.
“I hope it lets up before we close,” Nancy said.
“You won’t melt,” Courtney said, and giggled when Nancy raised her middle finger at her.
“I doubt many more will come in, so let’s get the place cleaned up and ready to go at closing. I’m going to make banana nut bread. If it keeps raining like this, I’ll stick around. You girls can get going once we close. There’s no sense in you sticking around,” Sloane told them, entering the kitchen.
At closing time, JoJo, Courtney, and Nancy waited until after it thundered. Then they ran out the door to their vehicles while Sloane stayed behind. By the time JoJo got into her SUV, her clothes were soaked. She screamed when thunder rocked her SUV. Good Lord, she hated thunderstorms.
“Damn, that rain is cold.” She shivered as she pushed the button for the seat warmer.
Brett was expecting her at six, but it was already five, and she knew she wouldn’t make it, so she called him.
“Hey, darlin’.”
“I’m going to be late. We just closed, and it’s raining.”
“Not here yet, but take your time, and be careful. You’ll get here when you get here. Would you rather I pick you up?”
“No. It would be best if you didn’t do that. I’m going to shower, and then I’ll be on my way.”
“Okay. I have a couple of steaks thawed. I’ll wait until you get here before I start them.”
“Sounds good. I’ll see you soon.”
“Yes, ma’am.” He disconnected.
JoJo drove to the apartment, ran through the parking lot, up the stairs, and entered her apartment. She shivered as she quickly made her way to the bathroom. She still had to pack a few things.
“You just need to leave some things there.” She nibbled her bottom lip. Would he mind?
After showering, she dressed, packed a bag, and went out the door. She was eager to see him. It had been a week, and she missed him—his touch, his kiss, but mostly how he treated her and made her feel.
After dinner, they sat on the sofa, watching a fight scene in a movie on TV. She winced when one man head-butted the other.
“How in the world do people do that?” JoJo said as she shook her head.
“I did it…once,” Brett said.
JoJo laughed. “Just once?”
“Hell, yeah. I just turned twenty-one and, in a bar, celebrating my birthday. I had to use the bathroom, but on my way, I bumped into a guy, and he pushed me against the wall. We exchanged words, then he hit me on the chin. I thought I was a big man. I grabbed his shirt, pulled him close, and head-butted him.”
“What happened?”
Brett looked a little sheepish. “I knocked myself out.”
JoJo fell back onto the couch and laughed until she cried.