Page 93 of Brett
JoJo nodded. She didn’t know what to think about Rich showing up. As she said, it had to be that he had heard she was seeing someone and didn’t like it. He scared her more than anyone knew.
Her brother wanted to pulverize him, but she didn’t want him to get into trouble. Knowing Rich as she did, she knew he’d get revenge. He was that evil.
No one scared her more than he did. He never laid a hand on her, but he verbally abused her and was so possessive that she couldn’t take it any longer. She packed and left. But that didn’t stop him. Not in the least.
It didn’t matter that she didn’t want him; he did what he wanted, and she hated him. A person shouldn’t have to be afraid to walk out the door; she hadn’t been there for so long. She was now.
Brett drove along the road and wrapped his hands around the steering wheel. He knew she was scared. He wanted to beat the hell out of that man. No. He’s not a man. He’s a pussy, and Brett really wanted to prove that.
He’d bet a year’s salary that Rich would back down from a man. He was probably all talk.
He jerked when JoJo touched his hand, and he loosened his grip.
“Don’t let him get to you.”
“I want to kick his ass.”
“I know. So does Liam.”
“I knew I liked your brother.”
JoJo sighed. “I hate this. He ruins everything.”
“I’m not going to let him do that. We are going to continue to be together and forget about him. Unless he does something, I can’t, but I hope he does.”
“He will. I don’t doubt that he will try to intimidate you. He thinks he’s a badass.”
“Yeah, well, those are usually the ones who aren’t.”
When he slowed to pull into the lot at the apartment complex, he glanced around and then shook his head.
“I’m looking around, but I don’t know who or what I’m looking for.”
JoJo laughed. “Thank you for that. I needed to laugh.”
“Hey, I was being serious,” he said, then chuckled when she laughed again.
Once she packed clothes, they returned to Brett’s and entered the house. JoJo set her suitcase down.
“Is it all right if I take a bath?”
“Make yourself at home. You can do whatever you want, JoJo. It will help you relax, so go ahead.”
“Thanks.” She picked up her case, then headed for the bathroom off the master bedroom.
All she wanted to do was get in the tub, relax, and then go to bed. She was so tired, and she hoped she could sleep. Knowing Rich was out there, watching her, made her afraid to close her eyes.
Brett opened the door a little while later and stuck his head inside.
“Are you all right?”
“I could sleep here,” she murmured.
Brett chuckled. “I can’t let you do that, darlin’. Come on, get out and get to bed. You’re exhausted.”