Page 1 of Alex
Chapter One
The moonlight filtering through the trees made it easy for him to see. As he stopped to lift his night vision binoculars to his eyes, he heard the distinct sound of a rifle cocking.
“Do not turn around,” a female voice said.
“Shut up,” she snapped. “You’re on my property, and it’s posted.”
“Yes, ma’am. I’m with the Montana Department of Livestock. You spoke to my boss about having someone come out.”
“I need to see your badge.”
“Yes, ma’am. It’s under my jacket. If you let me turn around, I’ll show you.”
When she said nothing, he turned to see a silhouette of a tall, slender woman holding a rifle on him. He couldn’t make out her face because the moon was behind her, and a flashlight mounted on the gun, blinded him. His mouth went dry looking at that rifle.
“Yes, ma’am.” He opened his jacket to show her his vest withLivestock Agentembroidered across it, and his badge hung on a chain around his neck.
“What’s your name, Agent? Just in case I need to call MDOL.”
“Agent Alexander Reeves, ma’am.”
“All right, Agent Alexander Reeves, I believe you.”
He sighed when she lowered the rifle.
“Thank you, ma’am.”
“Please call me Dylan. Ma’am makes me feel old.”
“All right.”
“So, Agent Reeves, do you know who stole my prize bull?”
“Not yet. I just started on your case this morning—”
“This morning?”
“Yes, ma’am. The agent assigned to it had a family emergency, so I was given the case.”
“Wonderful. Another setback.”
“I apologize for that, but I’m working on it.”
“My fence was cut months ago, and no one did anything. It takes one of my bulls being stolen to get you out here?”
“I read the file. There were no leads from the cut fence. No tire tracks, no shoe tracks, nothing we get could anything from. What were we supposed to do?”
“Not let someone steal my bull!”
“Ma’am, if that were possible, we’d never have to worry about rustlers. I’ll do all I can.”
“Why are you out here in the dark?”
“Most thefts happen at night, so they’re not seen. I wanted to get a lay of the land. I should have contacted you, but it’s late, and I wanted to get started.”