Page 41 of Alex
“Just yourself, and condoms. Zoey is staying with my mom this weekend.” She laughed when he groaned.
“I think I can manage that.” He looked at Zoey then quickly kissed Dylan’s lips. “Maybe that will tide me over. I’ll talk to you soon, darlin’.”
“You are a cowboy with that, ‘darlin’’ jargon.”
“Habit, I suppose, but I do like calling you that.” He kissed her again. “Go before she changes her mind and wants to stay with Peaches.”
“Where did you come up with that name, anyway?”
“A friend of mine’s daughter. Someone had dropped the dog off. I tried to find who she belonged to, but no one claimed her. I decided to keep her. Casey named her because the dog loves peaches.”
“How old is Casey?”
“Well, she picked a good name, and thank you for taking Peaches in.”
Alex grinned. “I love her. She’s a great dog. I never had a Golden Retriever, but she has to be one of the sweetest dogs I’ve ever had.”
“She is a sweetheart.” Dylan sighed. “I have to go. I’ll see you Saturday night.”
“Yes, ma’am. Be careful.”
“I will. Bye.” She ran across the porch, down the steps, got Zoey into her car seat, and after climbing into the driver’s seat, she started the SUV, and drove off.
Alex watched her until she disappeared, then reentered the house.
Dylan drove up to her house, parked, and stepped out. She opened the back door, unbuckled Zoey from her car seat, and set her on her feet. She shook her head when Zoey ran up the steps and fell onto the porch.
“Zoey? Baby, are you okay?”
“I’m okay, Mama. I’m cold.”
“Give me a minute. I have to get your case packed for Nana. She’ll be here later to pick you up.”
“Yay! I love going to Nana’s.”
“I know you do, and she loves having you. Let’s get inside and warm up.”
“’Kay. Mama? Do you like Alex? I like him.”
“Yes, baby. I like him. I’m glad you do too.”
“I love Peaches.”
“I know you do.”
Dylan unlocked the door, and they entered the warm kitchen. After removing their coats and hats, they packed Zoey’s suitcase, and watched TV until Dylan’s mother arrived.
When her mother arrived, Dylan opened the door, hugged her, and ushered her inside.
“Good heavens, it’s cold today,” LeeAnn Walters said as she entered the house.
“It is. Let me take your coat, Mom.”
“Thanks, honey.”