Page 49 of Alex
“You’re evil.” Dylan shook her head.
“Like you and Peyton weren’t about me and Hank.” Marlowe smirked.
Dylan looked at Peyton to see her trying not to laugh.
“Your time is coming, Peyton.”
“Maybe, but it won’t be with a cowboy. I seem to be the only one of us who can stay away from them. I do not want one. At. All.”
“I’m telling you, Dylan, that she will find a cowboy, and fall in love with him.”
“I will not. How would I fall for a cowboy if I don’t date one?”
Marlowe shrugged. “We’ll see.”
Peyton huffed, folded her arms, and stared at her.
“Let’s make some popcorn and watch a movie. We’ll let up on the cowboy talk for now,” Dylan said.
“Best idea you’ve had all night,” Peyton said as she got to her feet and then headed for the kitchen.
Dylan grinned at Marlowe, then they followed Peyton to the kitchen.
Saturday morning, Alex was cleaning stalls in the stable next to his cabin. His mind ran to Dylan and how he might be close to falling for her, an idea which made him uneasy. If she wanted him to give up his job like Sheila, would he do it?
“You’re getting ahead of yourself,” he whispered to himself, wishing he’d focus on the case instead of her. Earlier that morning, all he could think about was her rather than the cases he had to review. How could he complete his job if Dylan occupied his thoughts? He put down the rake against the wall and took out his phone to call Dave.
“It’s Saturday, Reeves. This better be important,” Dave answered.
“I want off the Walters’ case,” Alex said and heard no response. “Dave?”
“What is it this time? Couldn’t it wait until Monday?”
“I’m… having trouble—”
“I told you I don’t have anyone else able to help with that case now.”
“It’s not that, Dave. Damn it, I’m too attracted to her and can’t concentrate on work.” Alex sighed heavily.
Dave groaned. “What is it with you guys? You’ve seen women before, nothing happened then. Wilder left because of something like this and now you.”
“You always told us if we were getting involved on a personal level too much then we needed to take a step back. That’s what I’m trying to do right now,” Alex snapped.
“Shit, Alex. I don’t have anyone else available for that case right now. If you’re really attracted to her, just tell her you need more space to focus on the investigation; it’s really that simple.”
“It’s complicated. I have trouble staying away—”
“Pay attention to your job, Reeves, not your dick, or you’ll be on leave.”
“For what?”
“I’ll think of something. Stop seeing this woman unless it concerns the case. Do you understand?”
“Yes, sir.” Alex hung up and stopped himself from hurling his phone across the stall.
With a deep sigh, he took up the rake and spread the straw. As much as he disliked the thought, he knew he wouldn’t be able to see Dylan until he solved the case. He didn’t know what would happen if he couldn’t figure it out.