Page 5 of Alex
“You mean when I almost shot you?”
“Yes, ma’am. I apologize for being on your property without asking, but it was a spur-of-the-moment thing. I had just been told the case was mine that morning and wanted to check the land.”
“It’s fine, but please let me know the next time.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“I thought I told you to call me Dylan?”
“Yes, you did… Dylan. Is your husband around?”
“I’m divorced. I run this ranch. Me and no one else. My father left it to me when he died two years ago.”
“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”
“Know what? That my father died, or I’m divorced?”
Alex swore he heard laughter in her voice.
“Both.” He grinned when she chuckled.
“What are you doing here?”
“I’d like to have you or one of your ranch hands to show me the exact place where the bull was stolen.”
“I can do it. Come with me, Agent Reeves.”
“Please, call me Alex.”
“All right, I will, Alex. Do you want to take my truck?”
“I’d rather take mine. My equipment is in it.”
“Sounds good.”
She walked toward him, and he could finally see her. Her auburn hair was in a ponytail, and her figure could stop traffic, but when he saw her face, it felt like he’d been shot again. She was beautiful. Freckles were scattered across the bridge of her pert nose and cheekbones, and her baby blue eyes sparkled with mischief. Other than that, her skin was flawless. Her lips begged to be kissed. He’d been right. She was tall. Her jeans looked painted on, and her black T-shirt hugged her breasts.
When she reached him, she removed her coat from a hook, pulled it on, and tilted her head as she stared at him.
“Are you going to keep staring at me, Agent Reeves?”
“Uh, no, ma’am. If you’re ready, we can go.”
She smiled at him, nodded, then walked around him, heading for the barn door. Alex sighed and followed her. Thank God her coat covered her ass because he was sure it was fantastic, too. He shoved his hands into his coat pockets until he reached his truck. He opened the door for her, and when she smiled at him again, he wanted to kiss her. He walked around the front, opened the door, and slid behind the wheel.
“Which way?”
“Take the road through the gate, then I’ll show you the way to the pasture.”
“All right.” He started the truck and followed her directions. He stopped close to the fence.
“We’ll have to walk from here. It’s the fence closest to the road.”
“I figured that.”
“Rounding up the cattle is easier if the thieves get the haulers next to the fence closest to a road. They’ll round up the cattle and get them into the trucks. It would be rough to do it if they’re in the middle of a field. However, that has happened. I’ve seen rustlers drive a truck right through a fence.”