Page 69 of Alex
“Why would they even be here? The bulls aren’t.”
“They’d be checking the place out. They figure they got one bull; they can get another.”
“Stay behind me. You shouldn’t even be out here. I feel like I’m beating my head against a wall with you,” Alex growled.
“They’re my bulls,” Dylan hissed.
Alex took a deep breath, turned to face her, and narrowed his eyes.
“This is my job. You could get hurt—”
“So could you,” she snapped.
Alex pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration.
“You are driving me insane,” he growled.
“Yeah? Well, the feeling’s mutual.” She huffed, and he couldn’t stop the chuckle.
“Maybe that’s a good thing.” He stepped closer, cupped the back of her head in his hand, and lowered his lips to hers.
Dylan sighed, as her arms wrapped around his neck, and she plastered her body to his. She moaned when he slid his tongue into her mouth and deepened the kiss. He wanted this woman more than any other. She drove him crazy in one breath, then in the next, he wanted to kiss her senseless.
He slowly raised his lips and stared into her eyes. He was in deep shit here.
“I can’t kiss you enough,” he whispered with his lips barely touching hers.
“I hope not.”
“But, right now, we’re going back to the tent. It’s way too quiet, and I don’t like being here. Something doesn’t feel right.”
Alex took her hand to lead her back, but when a shot rang out, he pushed her to the ground and covered her body with his.
“Oh, my God! Someone is shooting at us.”
“Stay calm, Dylan, and I’ll get us out of here. Hopefully, in one piece.”
He rolled off her, got to his feet, and helped her. He quickly got them behind a tree as he heard another shot, and the bullet hit the tree bark, sending pieces flying.
He turned her back against the tree and leaned against her to protect her. The tree was wide enough to keep them from getting shot, but he also knew those men wouldn’t stay in one spot. They’d move until they were surrounding them.
“How are we going to get out of here?”
“We need to move.” He pulled her behind him as he crept through the woods toward his truck.
When another shot split the air, he felt, more than saw, Dylan fall. He kneeled and saw blood staining her shirt on the back below her shoulder. He rolled her over to see no blood on the front of her shirt. Not a through and through. She’d need surgery, if she survived.
“Shit. Dylan! Baby, talk to me.”
“Alex,” she murmured, and he knew she was bleeding out.
“Just stay calm. I’m calling for backup. Breathe, darlin’. Stay awake for me.”
“I… can’t keep my eyes open. Alex.” She touched his cheek. “I love you.”
“Do not tell me that now. You tell me when you think you’re not dying.”