Page 83 of Alex
“Now, that is where you’re wrong. I know a lot of cowboys who are good men, but they’re all taken.”
“Bullshit, Peyton. There are a lot of single, good cowboys around. You just won’t look for one.”
“Because I don’t want one.”
“You’re so stubborn,” Marlowe snapped.
Peyton shrugged. “I’m just more guarded with my heart. I am happy for you and Alex though. I know he loves you and he’ll be good to you. Just like Hank with Marlowe. If I thought I could find a cowboy that I could trust, I’d go for it, but you know every time I get involved, my heart gets shattered. I can’t go through it again.”
Dylan put her arm around her and hugged her.
“I know. But since we found good men, we want you happy too, Peyton.”
“Dylan, this is your wedding day. We can argue another day. Let’s get you ready to walk down the aisle to that man.”
Dylan nodded. She knew it was a losing battle trying to talk Peyton into finding a good cowboy, but hopefully, one day, she’d find a good man just as she and Marlowe had.
“I’m ready. I can’t believe I’m not nervous.”
“Because you know you’re doing the right thing by marrying Alex. He will always treat you with respect and never hurt you,” Marlowe said.
“You’re right.” Dylan took a deep breath, nodded, and headed for the door when a knock sounded on it. “Come in.”
The door opened and Justin stuck his head inside.
“Are you ready?”
“I am. Thank you so much for giving me away.”
“It’s my pleasure. Now, come on. Your future husband is waiting for you.”
“I’d better get to my seat,” Dylan’s mother said. “I’m so happy for you, honey.”
“Thanks, Mom.” Dylan smiled when her mother kissed her cheek.
Dylan grinned, slipped her arm through Justin’s, and left the room. She was so anxious to marry Alex and start their lives together. Nerves kicked in, and she placed her hand over her belly to calm the butterflies, but nothing was going to keep her from walking down the aisle.
Alex stood in the room, waiting for the priest to let him know it was time. His stomach was in knots. It wasn’t that he didn’t think she’d show, it was going through this again, and hoping it turned out differently than the last time.
Shaking his head, he knew Dylan would stay with him. He knew she was proud of what he did, and he made a difference. He loved his job, but he loved Dylan more. If she wanted him to quit and work the ranch with her, he’d do it in a heartbeat.
He never wanted to lose her, and he’d do whatever it took to keep her happy. Her and Zoey. He loved the little girl as if she were his own, and he was anxious to add to their family.
“Are you nervous?” Eli asked him.
“A little. I’ve been here before,” he said.
“Not like this, you haven’t. This will be for life. Dylan will stand by you. I’ve only met her once, but I can see it in the way she looks at you. And let’s not talk about how crazy you are about her.”
Alex grinned. “Does it show?”
Eli chuckled. “Just a little.”
“Thanks for being my best man, Eli.”
“Of course. It was nice of you to ask Hank to be a groomsman.”