Page 24 of End Game
“We’ve been assigned different subjects to teach, which we’ll demonstrate in front of our class first, then onto another school. The teacher will grade us based on our technique, approach etc.”
That sounds awesome, and pretty scary. He wants to teach teenagers once he’s finished earning his degree. Why he would want to do that, I don’t know. It wasn’t long ago he was playing up in the classroom at high school.
“What’s the subject you’re teaching?” I ask, knowing he wants to teach biology.
His cheeks turn bright pink, and he doesn’t look at me when he answers. “STD’s.”
My mouth gapes open for a moment before I burst out laughing. When I sober, I clutch my stomach from the ache and face him, trying hard not to start laughing again.
“Just one, or all of them?”
He groans, his head dropping back against the top of the sofa. “Just the common ones, then how to treat and cure them. In our written presentation we have to talk about the cells and how it’s caused etc.”
“Will there be diagrams?” I ask, raising an eyebrow. I bite my lip to stop myself from laughing when he rolls his head to the side, narrowing his eyes at me.
“You think this is funny?”
I press my lips together, shaking my head. The second he sits up, looking like someone ran over his puppy, I burst out laughing.
When he brings his hands up, coming towards me, I squeal, knowing what’s coming. I can see it in his eyes, and the little smirk he has playing on his lips.
“No, no, no,” I wail, falling back on the sofa.
I’m laughing so hard, I can barely see him through my watery eyes when he settles above me. Just as I start to wriggle free, his hands come down, his fingers digging in to my sides as he tickles me.
“Stop!” I cry out, feeling my bladder about to burst.
“Nope, not until you promise to stop teasing me.”
I shake my head. “Nope. Never!”
“Then I won’t stop,” he says, settling between my legs. He brings his face down, and before I can pull away, he’s blowing raspberries in the crook of my neck.
My sides hurt from laughing, and I’m close to peeing my pants, but it doesn’t stop me from answering him back. “Will it be at an all-girl school?”
“You little…”
He chuckles, so close I can feel his breath on my face. He stops twisting and digging his fingers into my sides as his face loses all expression. We’re both breathing hard, gazing into each other’s eyes. I lick my lips, and he tracks the movement. I hear him groan, his eyes closing for a moment, like he’s restraining himself.
My breath comes out in soft gasp when I feel something hard pressing against my leg. I start breathing heavily for other reasons as a throbbing sensation starts between my legs.
Without thinking, I raise my hand to cup his cheek. His lips part, his pupils dilating. He starts to lower his head, but a key being put into the lock of the front door startles us. I end up pushing him off me. I gasp, wanting the ground to swallow me up. I’m so embarrassed.
I sit up quickly, grimacing at Banner groaning on the floor. “I’m so sorry,” I whisper-yell.
His eyes open, and he winks, but I can see the grimace when he tries to sit up. “It’s fine.”
He manages to stand as the door opens, and Levi walks in, his nose scrunched up and his brow furrowed. When he spots us, his raises his eyebrows. “Banner, I thought you’d be gone by now.”
Banner glances at the clock hanging above the fireplace. “Nah, I got another twenty minutes. Why, were you missing me?”
“No. But I was just about to ask Emma to call you. Please tell me you don’t have any tattoos on the back of your leg?” Levi pleads, clasping his hands together.
Banner doesn’t seem fazed by the question. “My right is bare. Why?”
“Any chance you would let me tattoo a piece of art onto you? My volunteer broke both of his legs and won’t be out of his casts for another eight weeks.”