Page 59 of End Game
His breath hits my cheek when he bends down to talk to me. “Don’t even think about missing Friday’s lesson. The consequences will be greater than you can imagine if you do. You’ll take your punishment, Emma,” he bites out, his lips brushing across my cheek. I move away, ready to give him what for. I’m not about to let another male intimidate me.
Before I have a chance to speak, he steps away, walking down the aisle to the front of the class. He stops next to Becky’s chair, looking down at her. I can’t see his expression from here, but whatever it is, it has Becky turning quickly in her chair.
As soon as it’s time to leave, I pack up my books, rushing down the aisle before anyone else can stop me. I take Becky’s hand, not even stopping to check she has everything with her.
I only slow down once I know we’re away from the classroom, and out of ear shot. “Did you see him?”
She looks over her shoulder briefly to check if anyone is listening. “What were you daydreaming about?” she snaps. “I was trying to get your attention for five minutes to warn you he was sneaking up on you.”
“You saw him?”
She gives me an ‘are you kidding me’ look. “Um, yeah. He was watching you the whole time, too. He walked along the side wall and then along the back wall until he was standing behind you. You need to stay alert, Emma. Did you at least record it?”
I ignore her reprimand, already knowing how stupid I was. “Let me check it worked.” I pull out my phone, frowning when I see it’s not recording. I go through my menu, clicking on videos, and growl. Then it dawns on me. I didn’t have it set up to be on record because we were late coming in. “Shit! I forgot to set my phone up to record,” I tell her.
“We’ll figure something out.” She opens the door, letting me pass through. “What are you going to do about Friday? He won’t be happy if I stay in the classroom. I can see him being a jerk and kicking me out.”
I shrug as I wrap my coat around me. “I don’t know what I’m going to do, but he threatened me in there. He said not to think about missing Friday’s lesson, which is what I was thinking about doing.”
She rubs her hands together. “I think we should tell someone. I don’t have a good feeling about this.”
“I don’t either, but we still need proof.”
“I know,” she says, sighing. “What are we going to do?”
“Are you okay with waiting outside the classroom for me? If he notices, I can say you’re my ride home. If that’s okay with you.”
“Of course, I will. I’m not going to leave you alone with that tosser.”
“Emma, wait up.” I turn around at the sound of the same voice that got me in trouble. I can’t help but narrow my eyes at him when he stops in front of us, pushing his hood off, looking sheepish. “I’m sorry about that back there. He can be a hard-arse. I didn’t mean to get you into trouble.”
“It’s fine,” I tell him shortly, still annoyed.
He gives me what I suppose he thinks is a sexy grin, but instead, it makes him look like a serial killer.
“So, I was wondering if you wanted to grab a drink before class on Friday, maybe get something to eat?”
I gape at him. I’m not sure whether I’m more surprised he had the nerve to ask me out after getting me into trouble, or the fact he’s asking me out at all. I’d feel flattered, but I’m too pissed at him.
“She won’t be going anywhere with you,” Banner announces, stepping up behind me. I relax against him, my lips tugging into a smile when he wraps his arms around my waist protectively.
“Sorry, mate, didn’t know she had a boyfriend.”
I don’t even know his name, yet he acts like he should know everything about me. I want to scoff, but I keep quiet, not wanting the two to get into a fight.
“Now you do. Run along,” Banner orders, his tone hard—scary.
He runs off like someone lit his arse on fire. I turn to Banner, grinning. “Thank you for rescuing me. How did you know I was going to turn him down?”
He grins back, looking too sexy—it should be a sin. “I didn’t. I just didn’t want someone trying to steal my future wife.”
I throw my head back, laughing. “Stop being silly. Either way, I’m grateful.”
“Well, if this isn’t awkward…” Becky grumbles. I realise then that Banner and I are standing close to each other—intimately close—both lost in our own little bubble. She shuffles the tip of her boot along the path.
I laugh as Banner chuckles. “Come on, you pair. I’ll give you a lift home, Becky. With a killer on the loose, you shouldn’t be out alone.”
“Are you sure you can prise yourself away from Emma long enough to get in your car?”