Page 64 of End Game
I look at him straight on. “I was a fool. When I found out he was the same with Becky, we decided to get proof. She already said the university wouldn’t believe me; she had already complained. But his parents gave too much money to the school. We had a plan to record what he was saying to us, so they’d have no choice but to fire him.”
His jaw hardens. “I know. I gave the police your phone.” He runs a frustrated hand through his hair. “But you still should have come to me, Emma. Do you know how hard it was not to kill him when I walked into that room? I never want to see that ever again.”
A sob bubbles up my throat. “I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry. I didn’t think it would get this far. I thought I’d record his suggestive remarks and be done with it. I’m sorry.”
“Hey, please don’t cry,” he says, moving my head to lie on his shoulder. “Next time just let me protect you.”
“I will. I don’t think I can go through something like this again. I wouldn’t survive,” I admit. “Have they arrested him?”
He pulls back, standing up. “No. They can’t find him.”
Shaking, I turn away, not wanting to register his words and what they mean. “Where’s Becky gone?”
“She got picked up by her dad an hour ago. She felt bad about leaving you.”
My eyes flash. “She left me?”
He steps closer, helping me to my feet. “When she heard you beg him not to touch you, she looked through the window of the door and saw his hand on your throat. She came running out to the carpark to find me.” He pauses, rubbing the back of his neck and inhaling. “I heard a fucking noise and went to investigate it.”
“What?” I ask.
He stares down at me, his eyes filled with pain. “I heard a noise in the bushes and went to see what it was. I kept thinking Darren was there. I didn’t see Becky until she started heading back inside. I heard her crying and knew something was wrong. When she explained what was happening and that she was on the phone to the police, I ran in to help you.”
“You saved me,” I tell him, feeling breathless. “Again.”
He grins, but I can tell it’s forced by the tight lines across his forehead. “We really should get me my own cape.”
I giggle, then wince from the pain in my ribs. He didn’t break them, but they are badly bruised and will take a few weeks to mend. My wrist, on the other hand, is definitely broken, and I’ll have to keep the cast on for six weeks.
“You would look good in tights.”
“I’d look good in anything.”
I blush, because he would. Even with a busted lip and torn clothes, he looks good. I watch him intently, taking his hand with my good one, and lick my lips. “Thank you for tonight. Thank you for always been there and protecting me.”
His expression softens. “I didn’t really do a good job.”
I shake my head at his words. “I knew you’d come. I knew it. And you did. So, get used to the fact that you’re my hero.”
A cloud of lust flashes through his eyes. “I’ll always be there for you. Always.”
He steps closer, bending down until we’re eye level. The tension between us is crippling. I want to pull him closer and devour him, but I also want him to be the first to make a move. I’m just going to follow his lead.
“He’s ready,” Mark interrupts, stepping into the room, causing both Banner and I to groan.
“Okay,” I croak out, letting Banner lead me to the wheelchair.
*** *** ***
I lean on Banner with a heavy sigh as he helps me up the flight of stairs. With each step, black dots dance in my vision from the pressure that shoots through my bruised ribs. By the time we reach the top, I’m sweating, in excruciating pain, and just want to go to bed.
“Put her on the sofa,” Mark fusses, heading for the kitchen.
“I just want to go to bed,” I complain.
He pauses before the kitchen, turning to glare at me. “You’ll do as your told. The doctor said you need to eat with your medication, and unless you want to wait until morning to take some more pain meds, you’ll eat something.”
Mutely, I nod, letting Banner steer me over to the sofa. Levi quickly places some pillows behind me to prop me up.