Page 75 of End Game
“They’re okay,” he chuckles. “Want to go for a walk after we’ve eaten?”
“Yeah, sounds good,” I tell him. “God, it’s cold tonight.” I rub my gloved hands together.
“It’s supposed to warm up in a few weeks. Though I don’t see how when it’s this cold.”
I give him a dry look. “It’s England, anything can happen.”
He chuckles. “Word!”
“Food’s ready,” Connor yells to the group.
“I can’t eat any more meat. Is there any salad?” Kelsea whines from the chair she’s sitting in, a blanket covering her legs.
“No!” everyone but me and Banner shout. The argument last night was over the burgers being cheap ones. She whined for a whole hour, refusing to eat them. Once it was clear Connor wasn’t going to go find her something else to eat, she made him light up another bag of coal.
She shrinks into her chair. “All right.”
Banner taps my thigh, indicating for me to jump up so we can grab our food. I do, and we head over to the small fold out table where Connor and Ross have laid out all the food. I grab a hot dog and a burger before scooping up some potato salad we bought from the small shop earlier. I wait until Banner finishes filling his plate before heading back to our chair.
“You sit there,” he tells me. “I’m gonna sit on the log to eat this, and then we can go for our walk.”
“You can’t sit on that; it’s cold,” I protest. “You’ll get piles.”
He laughs at my horrified expression. “Just eat your food.”
“No, I’ll sit on your lap like before.”
He shakes his head, sitting down on the log. “Just sit down and eat your food, Emma. I promise, my arse will be fine. But, I’m glad you’re looking out for it.”
When he winks, I blush, mumbling, “Oh, all right then.”
It doesn’t take us long to finish our food. Banner grabs us some torches from the tent before coming back for me, handing me one.
“Guys, can you keep some water boiled for when we get back? We want to make some hot chocolate before we go to bed,” he tells the lads.
“You have hot chocolate?” Kelsea asks, licking her lips.
“Only two sachets,” Banner lies, not meeting her gaze. I turn away, so she can’t see my smile. We still have half a box and a massive pack of marshmallows.
He takes my hand and we head towards the path leading into the forest.
“Don’t let any bugs bite you on the arse,” Tom yells, before laughing.
“And don’t fuck up a tree. You’ll get splinters,” Connor shouts.
“Connor, you said you wouldn’t tell anyone,” Kelsea hisses.
Everyone laughs around the campfire, and I can’t stop my own from spilling free.
“Fuckers!” Banner groans. “We’re going for a walk to get away from you sad fucks.”
“Keep telling yourself that,” Rafner shouts.
We both turn to see him spanking mid-air, thrusting his hips. I giggle, shaking my head.
Banner squeezes my hand, pulling me towards the entrance of the forest. A cold shiver runs down my spine, as I feel eyes on me. I look around, not seeing anything, and only hearing the noises from the lads in the background.
I shine my torch on the ground to light up the path, not wanting to get lost.