Page 77 of End Game
But it’s not him.
I’m confused when I see Darren standing there, panting, holding a thick, fallen branch in his hand.
“Get the fuck away now. I’ve called the police,” Darren growls, standing between me and Mr. Flint.
Mr. Flint clutches his stomach, looking winded. “Who the fuck are you—another one she’s fucking?”
I shrink back against the tree at the venomous look he gives me. Darren steps to the side, blocking him from seeing me.
“I’m your worst fucking nightmare. Now step back.”
I scream when Mr. Flint jumps forward, holding the knife out in front of him. Darren goes back on one leg, bracing for the attack. Everything happens so quickly.
I glance to the river where Banner fell, but I’m torn when I hear a grunt of pain. I look back just as Mr. Flint bends at the waist, before tackling Darren, sending them both flying to the ground.
I scan the ground for a weapon, crying with frustration when I don’t see anything.
Darren howls in agony, and the sound runs through my soul. I flinch at the punch he lands on Mr. Flint’s jaw, knocking him backwards to the floor. The knife falls to the ground and I rush over, grabbing it and throwing it as far into the forest as I can manage.
When I turn back around, Darren has the branch in his hand again, hitting a dazed Mr. Flint around the head. His eyes roll back, and I jump when Darren hits him again, not satisfied until he’s fallen to the floor with a sickening thud.
“Darren?” I call when he wobbles backwards, his eyes wide. He drops the branch, clutching his stomach.
“You need to find Banner. He’s on the bank—just down a bit,” he gasps out, falling to his knees.
“He’s okay?” I ask in relief as I rush over to the torch.
“He’s not conscious, but I managed to pull him out of the water,” he chokes out. I pick up the torch and turn around to shine it on Darren, ready to ask him what he’s doing here. It’s not that I’m not grateful—he’s just saved mine and Banner’s lives.
The light illuminates Darren’s body, and a loud gasp escapes me. I feel the blood drain from my face when I see the rips in his shirt, blood oozing down his chest.
Oh, my God.
“Oh, my God, did he stab you?” I ask, rushing over.
He falls backwards on his back, staring up at the sky. “So, this is karma,” he gasps, coughing up blood.
I put the torch on his stomach, shining it on his stab wounds, and force the bile down that threatens to rise. I take off my gloves, pressing them into the wound, and apply pressure. I scan the deserted forest, panicked when the gloves don’t stop the flow of blood, the warm fluid running through my fingers. “Help—somebody help,” I scream, tears falling down my cheeks.
Darren places his hand on top of mine, cringing in pain.
“Go. Go make sure Banner is okay.”
“I’m not leaving you, not like this,” I tell him as my throat tightens.
“Who would have thought you would be helping me after all I did.” He moans, his back arching as he tries to get comfortable. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry for everything.”
I shake my head at him, pressing harder on his wounds. “No! Not like this. We need to get you to the hospital, and then, when you’re better—you can tell me then. It’s going to be okay.”
“I need—I need to explain. I—"
“Please, you don’t need to do this. Let’s concentrate on getting you help.” Blinking through tears, I lift my head and scream, “Help! Somebody help me!”
“I didn’t—I wasn’t… I wasn’t going to rape you. You have to know that,” he says, struggling to get his words out.
“I know you wasn’t,” I cry, a sob breaking through. “I was never sure because it was a blur, but after Mr. Flint attacked me, I know that was never your intention.”