Page 86 of End Game
She totally would. She’s a big softie under all those piercings and tattoos.
“I’m so freaking emotional right now, I could cry,” Becky blurts out, before bursting into tears.
I begin to laugh at my heavily pregnant friend. “Becky, don’t cry. You’ll ruin your makeup.”
She waves a tissue in the air. “I’m going to kill Connor for knocking me up. I’ll wait until after the wedding, though,” she tells me.
“I’m grateful,” I tease.
Lake comes rushing around the corner, looking stressed and out of breath. “I’m so sorry. The triplets got into the food next door. I had to chase Hayden and Landon whilst Max tried to get Liam down.”
“Down from where?”
To this very day, I still can’t believe my best friend had triplets. Max didn’t do things by half, that’s for sure. He had a ring on her finger before she gave birth, and they didn’t have a long engagement. When she told me she was pregnant, I wasn’t surprised. It was only when she announced she was expecting triplets that I thought she was playing a prank on me.
Now, she has three boisterous kids. Hayden is the only girl, and more of a handful than the boys. Sometimes I think she controls the boys, but her sweet, innocent little face will have you believing otherwise. They are always up to something or getting into trouble.
“He climbed up the scaffolding where the lights are. It’s fine—Max got them down and has them sitting down in the hall now.” Becky helps Lake straighten her hair before Jordan passes her a bouquet of flowers. “Right, let’s do this before Banner thinks you’ve run away and comes out to chase you.”
I give them a bright smile, taking my granddad’s arm. He kisses me on the cheek, looking down at me with watery eyes.
“You look so beautiful, just like your nan did on her wedding day,” he tells me, sounding choked up.
We lost my nan three years ago to a heart attack. My granddad hasn’t been the same since. And I can understand; I hope, when the day comes, I will be gone before Banner. I don’t think I’d survive the heartache of losing him, and I wouldn’t want to.
“I love you,” I tell him, leaning my head on his shoulder briefly before straightening.
The bridesmaids go first, the wedding march playing softly in the background. I wanted to go the traditional route, not some new pop love song they play on the radio. I wanted everything: the church, the wedding march, and the throwing of the bouquet. And although I may not get my father-daughter dance, I will get my granddad, and he means more to me than my parents, who I haven’t spoken to since I left home.
I inhale when it’s our turn and take my first step to the next part of my life.
Tears gather in my eyes when they land on Banner standing at the end of the aisle. He was standing straight, holding his hands behind his back, but the second he sees me, his hands fall to his sides and his jaw drops.
He takes a step forward, making me smile. Mark, one of his many groomsmen, pulls him back by the bottom of suit jacket.
He doesn’t pay attention, his gaze only for me. The sea of faces surrounding us blur into each other, because I can’t take my eyes off him. I know they’re there; I can feel their gazes on me. I just don’t care to look, or to be polite, not when everything I could ever want is standing right in front of me.
“Who gives this woman?” the priest asks.
“I do!” Granddad says, bringing a lump to my throat, just like it did the night before at our rehearsal.
“I do,” Mark suddenly says, shocking me. That wasn’t meant to be said by him. I fight hard not to cry at the pride shining in his eyes.
“I do,” Levi speaks up, stepping forward also.
“I do,” Tom says, and I begin to choke up. Since that night in the woods, we’ve become best friends. It was the same way with Connor, but with Tom… we share a bond. He held me in my darkest moments, and I’ll never forget that.
When no one else speaks up, I let a tear fall, praying it hasn’t ruined my makeup. Granddad places my hand in Banner’s, leaning down to kiss me on my cheek. The others follow, placing their own kisses on my cheek before taking their places.
I squeeze Banner’s hand, ready to start a new chapter in our lives, knowing this is the best decision I ever made.
*** *** ***
Ed Sheeran’sPerfectstarts playing as Banner takes my hand and pulls me onto the dance floor. I laugh when he swings me out before pulling me towards him, his free hand going to my hip.
“I love you, Mrs. Banner.”
My cheeks hurt so badly from smiling so much. I didn’t think I could ever feel so happy, but I do. I’m so blissfully happy I could burst.