Page 30 of Game Over
I giggle at his expression. “Not there. It’s hard to lug books around, you know. I didn’t think of a pushchair.” Maybe next time. It does look big enough to hold everything I want to get. “And I downloaded a seating plan last night, whilst you were snoring. I figured it would be good to know where to go.”
He smirks, shaking his head at me. “Lead the way then, Cupcake. Oh, and I don’t snore; I’m far too pretty.”
I roll my eyes, giggling. “Trust me, you do. It’s a wonder Cole hasn’t smothered you in your sleep.”
I don’t bother telling him I find the sound comforting. He’d only tease me. The expression on his face is another reason. He seems truly confused and a little embarrassed.
“I don’t.”
“You really do,” I tell him, getting in line.
I bite my lip to stop myself from laughing when he begins to pout. “I don’t,” he grumbles under his breath.
*** *** ***
An hour passes and I’ve only managed to see six authors. Finally, the line to see Alanea Alder has died down enough for me to see her. We had to stop by the bar a few times just so CJ could grab a beer. Apparently, there was only so many photos he could pose for.
At first, he enjoyed the compliments he got for being mistaken for a cover model. But the touchier the women got, the more he didn’t like it. I found it amusing and made sure to snap a few myself to send to Cole and Willow.
Juggling three gift bags full of swag, my trolley, a few books that won’t fit into the trolley, and a beer, he moves forward for us to take our turn.
I chat animatedly with Alanea, telling her how much I love her books whilst buying the remainders of the series that I need. I relentlessly ask her questions about what we should expect, while picking everything and anything I can get my hands on that she is giving away on her table.
“Who’s your favourite characters?” she asks, grabbing another book to sign.
I don’t even have to think about it. “Meryn. She’s hilarious; no other character can compete with her. She’s incredible. Although, second is Kendrick Ashwood, then Colton. Although, now they’re in Noctum Falls, I kind of love the twins.”
She lifts her head, smiling wide. “I’m so glad you like it.”
“I’m pretty sure she just named every single one your characters,” CJ mutters, staring at me in bewilderment.
I roll my eyes. “Trust me, they come nowhere near as close to all of her characters. You’re lucky I love one more than the others, otherwise we would have been here all day with me naming every single one and giving reasons as to why I like them.”
“She has a point.” Alanea giggles, handing over the last of the books.
“This is crazy. It’s just a book.”
A few gasps echo mine. “No, they are not.”
He holds his full hands up, stepping back. “Sorry. I know, it’s life. Your life. Please don’t bust my balls.”
Shaking my head, I turn to Alanea. “Men.” She nods, agreeing, her smile infectious. “Can I have a photo?”
“Of course.” She smiles, standing up.
Her accent is incredible. She sounds like she could lull a baby to sleep by reading a bedtime story with a voice like hers.
I throw my phone in CJ’s direction, and with his hands full, he drops most of the items on the floor before catching it. Just as I’m about to step forward, I trip over my own feet, nearly falling over her table.
Well, crap.
“Are you okay?” she asks, her eyebrows pulling together. Probably for my mental stability.
My face is no doubt beet red because it feels like it’s on fire. “Yep, I’m good,” I tell her, shaking it off.
“Come on, let’s take a few funny photos and then a nice one.”
I beam, loving this woman even more. She’s amazing and really flipping sweet.