Page 5 of Game Over
“We really do.” Willow groans, falling back on the sofa.
Becca and Rosie turn to her with a sceptical eye. “What do you mean? Your mum is wonderful. She loves seeing you.”
Low opens one eye, staring at them. “I saw more of my mum tonight than I ever wanted to. Trust me.”
Becca grins, turning to me. I hold my hands up. “She’s right, only I saw my father’s backside, and trust me, I’ll be having nightmares for weeks.”
Willow groans, covering her face with her hands before turning to glare at me, as if to say,Really?
Rosie blushes. “Wait… your parents…”
“Hooked up? Yes.” Willow nods solemnly, her complexion a little pale. I don’t blame her; my stomach is still a little queasy.
Becca laughs before sobering. “Wait, is that what they wanted you both to go home to talk about?” She looks excited, and I want to snap at her that this isn’t funny, but knowing Becca, she would take it to heart. It would be like kicking a puppy. I couldn’t do it.
“Yes,” I tell her, wanting to moan.
“You’ll be step-sisters,” Rosie says, her tears now gone.
“I’m glad my dad bumping uglies with my best friend’s mum, cheers you up.” I pause, what she said registering, and my eyes snap to Willow’s, a grin forming. “Holy moly, we will be like real sisters.”
She rolls her eyes. “We didn’t need our parents doingthatfor us to know we’re sisters. We’ve always been sisters.”
“Sister from another mister,” I laugh.
She laughs too, shaking her head at me before turning to the girls. “We haven’t eaten. We felt too sick to stop and eat after what we witnessed. Do you fancy sharing pizza?”
Rosie’s belly rumbles and we all laugh. “I’ll go order.”
There’s a knock on the door before I make it to my bag to grab my phone, so I stop to answer it, forgetting to use the peephole.
I don’t even have chance to open the door all the way before I’m lifted into the air and swung around by strong, muscled arms.
“Put me down, you oversized ape,” I squeal, smacking CJ’s back. And although I sound pissed, I’m far from it. I’ve missed him so much since we’ve been away. Talking to him over the phone hasn’t been the same.
Since Willow’s attack, he’s stayed with me. He’s slept on the sofa, on the floor, and once, even outside my room—unbeknownst to me at the time. It was the night Willow found out about me knowing about Logan. It wasn’t all night; my dad woke him to go back to his flat.
Before I left, he started to sleep in my bed, doing nothing but hold me all night, and I’ve missed his touch. I’ve missed being in his arms.
I’ve missed him.
I try to hide my smile as he puts me down, but it’s useless when I see his boyishly charming grin spread across his face.
“Cupcake!” he yells, making sure everyone knows he’s arrived. I inwardly groan at the nickname he’s christened me with. “I’ve missed you.”
Before I can answer, he pulls me against him and kisses me. His hot lips pressed against mine taste sweet—my favourite flavour—and I can’t help but moan in delight.
“Woah, keep it PG. There’s eyes in the room,” Willow calls out, before dissolving into a fit of giggles.
I pull away, my gaze never leaving CJ’s as I stare into his mesmerising mocha-coloured eyes. “Hi,” I greet breathlessly.
He grins, kissing the tip of my nose. “Cupcake, I’ve missed you. Aren’t you going to tell me you’ve missed me, too?”
Instead of greeting me like a normal, sane boyfriend would, he has to outmatch everyone. Hell, I haven’t even heard Cole utter a word to Willow, but then again, his eyes communicate everything he wants to say. He’s dark and broody most of the time, but there’s no denying he loves her with his whole heart.
“I don’t know yet. I’m still kind of pissed at you,” I lie, having gotten over my tantrum before I’d even left to go back home.
He rolls his eyes as he leans down to kiss my nose once again, something he does often. “I told you I was sorry. You can’t be still mad at me over that?”