Page 54 of Game Over
“You will regret this, young lady. Mark my words. Your father will hear of this, too. If he knows what’s good for him, he will get you to listen. I can make both of your lives a living hell. How long do you think Melissa will stick around once I tell her how your father cheated repeatedly on me?” She pauses when I suck in a sharp breath. She laughs when she hears it, the sound manic and smug. “Oh, you didn’t know? All those long nights at the office? They weren’t for working, dear. They were for boning the secretary.”
My mind only pauses to feel the pain of my dad’s disappearance all those years. All those years I needed him at home, needed to feel some sort of love from a parent, and instead he was having an affair. It cuts deep to hear such a betrayal.
But when I put my mum into the equation, can I really be mad at him?
I remember all those days and nights where I would sit in my room and pray for something to come up so I could leave the house and the company of my mum. I jumped at the chance to stay out at Willow’s, when I was allowed. I joined every after-school club there was and then some, because I knew my mum wouldn’t argue over my schooling. I even worked extra shifts at the restaurant Willow and I worked at, much to her disappointment. She even tried to get me fired a few times, but thankfully, the manager had served my mum when she worked at a higher-established restaurant and felt pity for me.
Mum threatening us now is just another way for her to control us. She knows my dad doesn’t want her, and I know she doesn’t love him. She isn’t capable of it. She’s cold-hearted enough to find pleasure in causing trouble.
As for me, I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t be hearing from her had her husband not questioned my absence.
I won’t let her ruin what Dad and I have built.
“Leave Dad and Mel alone. He’s finally happy, and so am I. I never want to hear from you or see you again.”
I end the call, throwing my phone to the bed and running my hands through my hair. Tears burn the back of my eyes, but I promised myself I’d never let her make me cry again.
A creaking sound has me turning to my door. CJ, covered in mud and dripping with sweat and rain, stands there, panting hard. He eyes me warily, stepping further into the room. I’m frozen to the spot, breathing hard, still angry I let her get to me.
“Low told me you ran off. I swear, it wasn’t what you thought. She’s actually gay. She doesn’t want her friends to find out so she acts like they do when it comes to lads. We had a project together last year, and I found out. On my life, Allie, I would never, ever hurt you like that.”
A sob I had been holding back bursts free and I run into his arms, not caring about all the mud getting over me.
“I hate my mum,” I wail, crying into his shoulder.
He picks me up, carrying me over to the bed and sitting us down. “You don’t hate me?” he asks, sounding confused. “And your mum? I thought you left because of my fuck up.”
I lift my head, wiping my tears, and shake my head. “I did, but I was being stupid and immature. It hurt when you didn’t brush her off and come over to say hi, but it was stupid to overreact the way I did. You’ve never done anything for me to not trust you.”
He pushes my hair behind my ears, cupping my face. “Why all the tears, then? And I thought we already hated your mum?”
I chuckle and sob at the same time, my face crumbling. “She called me not long after I got back. She demanded I attend her wedding because of her husband. He’s cottoning on that I’ve not once visited. When I refused, she threatened to ruin what Dad has with Mel. Apparently, he cheated on Mum a lot when they were together.”
He gives me a dry look. “Not that I don’t blame him, ‘cause your mum is a bitch, but he should have just left her. If it causes trouble for him and Mel, then that’s something he’ll have to deal with. He can handle it, Cupcake. That said, your mum is marrying another dude; she needs to let sleeping dogs lie.”
I nod, leaning my forehead against his. “I don’t understand why she had me, CJ. She doesn’t love me. I don’t think she ever loved my dad, either. Yet, she’s still out to make my life hell. She still has a way of tearing a hole through my heart with her cruel words.”
He kisses the tip of my nose before gazing into my eyes, his expression determined. “Cupcake, don’t listen to her. Don’t let her words hurt you, because youareloveable.Ilove you.” He pauses, kissing me briefly. “And that hole? Every time she does manage to get in there and crack it open a little, I’ll make sure to fill it back up. Because if anyone in this world is worthy of love, it’s you.”
I literally sag against his chest. He always knows what to say, what to do. His words though… I’ll cherish them forever.
I glance into his eyes, and the love and yearning I see makes me pause to catch my breath.
He’s perfect.
This moment is perfect.
“Make love to me,” I demand gently.
My steps are light as I walk out of my room with a smile on my face. I’m sore, tired, and well and truly happy.
“Well, aren’t you chipper this afternoon,” Willow sings, her hip resting against the counter, a cup of tea in her hand.
“Who’s here?” I ask, leaning around the kitchen doorway to the front room, but my reach isn’t far enough to see anyone.