Page 61 of Game Over
I groan, covering my face with the palms of my hands. The girls giggle, making me groan louder before dropping myself down in the arm chair.
“Come on, spill.”
I uncover my face and open my eyes at Jordan’s request, feeling myself go all dreamy before I start telling them everything. Well, noteverything.
The university has been on edge for two weeks since the announcement of Katie’s death was spread. Dylan, her brother, after hearing the news, dropped out for a term, needing the time to grieve his younger sister.
The day Becca and Rosie found her, Cole and CJ didn’t come home until the next morning. They, and their team mates, stayed with Dylan and got drunk.
Really drunk if CJ’s breath and swagger was to go on.
I was glad he was there for his friend. I just wish there was something we could do to help. None of my research on the murders has revealed anything.
The family from the newspaper clippings I found online is another dead end, but not one I’ve given up on. I’ve tried to find other living relatives, or to see if they had a child together. Nothing is coming up. Jordan has asked around too, but so far, nothing. I’m not giving up though. In my gut, I feel like this is the lead we should follow. The murders are too similar.
We did find out the woman was a sociopath. Jordan, ever the regular Nancy Drew, somehow managed to get her hands on a few pages of her medical history. She’s still trying to locate the rest. I didn’t ask questions, but she seemed a little flustered when I asked her how she got them
Her reply: ‘It’s better not to know’.
The few pages we had were from ages sixteen to nineteen, when she was seen regularly by a psychiatrist. The doctor had written down that Claire Laney had shown signs of a mental disorder. Claire admitted to having bad thoughts about her younger sister before she died. It went on to explain Claire didn’t feel any empathy towards her sister’s death. She even blamed her sister for being weak, just like their brother said she was.
A few other bits were written, but nothing that could help us figure out just who she was. It doesn’t even mention the sister’s name or how she died. I tried going in that direction with my research, but again, it’s like the girl didn’t exit. There aren’t even any newspaper clippings that announce another death with Claire’s last name.
Even Claire’s maiden name is a no go. Jordan tried doing a background check on it, but all it led to were her medical files again.
What has us all on edge, though, is the fact that the killer hasn’t taken another girl since Marie.
I’d like to think that there not being another kidnapping is a good thing, but in my gut, I feel like it’s the calm before the storm.
“What has you thinking so hard?” CJ whispers, pulling my back against his front.
I smile and roll my eyes, even though he can’t see me. “How do you know I was thinking?”
His fingers run up my naked side, his breath fanning my neck. “Cupcake, you woke me up you were thinking that hard. And you are tense as fuck.”
“I’m just worried about everything that is going on. I wish I could do something.”
His body stills behind me. “You aren’t still looking into it, are you?”
I bite my lip. “I—”
“Cupcake, you said you wouldn’t look into it anymore,” he growls, his fingers tensing on my hip before he moves away. He jumps out of bed, grabbing his joggers he threw on the floor last night, and puts them on, covering his magnificent arse.
I sigh, disappointed when the show is over. “CJ, I did stop. Then another body turned up. I’m not sure, it’s a gut-feeling, but I think we have something that could identify who is doing this, or maybe point us in the right direction.”
He swivels so fast on his feet I’m surprised he doesn’t fall over. “Did you find anything?”
“No,” I admit, curling further into my pillow.
He groans, running his fingers through his hair, his abs and arms flexing as he does.
“So, you’re basically saying you put yourself in danger for no fucking reason?”
My eyes go up at that. “Are you trying to say if I did find something it would be a different story?”