Page 7 of Game Over
Hold up!
I don’t think so.
I raise my hand, narrowing my eyes. “No. They’re mine.”
He chuckles deeply. “Cupcake, I bought those for me, too, so I can stop taking yours.”
I shake my head. “Nope. You should have hidden them inyourroom, because they’re mine now.” I grin at his crestfallen expression and kiss his lips before skipping out of the room.
One should know, never, and I mean ever, think you can share sweets with Allie Davis. It just isn’t going to happen.
When it comes to uni, I’m the biggest nerd there is. Early mornings, on the other hand, suck and make me rethink the whole liking going to uni thing.
“Come on, Cupcake, you have to wake up. You have to be at the library in a few hours.”
I smack CJ’s hand away from my hair and face plant into my pillow. “Go away.”
“You’ve got to get up.”
He chuckles, his fingers running down my back, causing me to shiver. “Cupcake, do you really want to miss your first day back at work?”
“Wake me up five minutes before I have to leave.”
When he doesn’t go away, I scream in frustration. I need sleep. A lot of it. Sleep, sweets, sleep, sweets, and books is my life. They’re my life goals. I could survive on the three of them.
“You’ll be late. I’ll buy you a white chocolate mocha.”
That gets my attention, so I turn my head to glare up at the man determined to get me out of bed. “I’m listening.”
His smile blinds me. “And whatever you wish for breakfast. Now get your arse up. I want to spend some time with you before you have to work.”
I pout, wondering if there is any way I can get out of it. “Can’t I just call in sick?”
“You said not to let you when you warned me you would ask last night, remember? Plus, Alex texted to see if you can work through lunch because Martina called in sick or something. I don’t know; he was stuttering a lot.”
Alex was the first friend I made here at Whithall University and the only one I’ve got, besides Willow, that I’m close to.
We hit it off on my first day working at the library and have been close ever since. He makes some of the long days bearable.
I grunt, sitting up and wiping the hair out of my face. “I betshe’shaving a good sleep. And don’t be mean about Alex.”
He laughs before lifting the blanket off me. “Sorry.”
When I notice he’s fully clothed and freshly showered, I narrow my eyes. “Why are you already showered and dressed?”
He taps my nose. “Because, Cupcake, I had practice this morning. Some of us don’t sleep until noon.”
I frown, narrowing my eyes. “It’s eight in the morning. Why would they possibly want you practicing at that time? And you owe me two white chocolate mochas for being so chirpy.”
“Early bird catches the worm and all that. Now, get ready. I’ll meet you in the living room when you’re ready.”
“Oh, all right, bossy.”
“Just call me master,” he tells me, winking over his shoulder.